Page 180 - index
P. 180

                                       MUNiClVAL LAW.                  17;

                   <k'ci(letl  ill the aMiriiiativo lio will iiiaiutaiii tlu' Hour, Imt if in the lU'ifative
                   then  tlie tjuestioii  will he taken on the name of tin  ther  meiiiher for
                   whom the iloor was claimed.
                      }<»! Putting the Question.  When  the  deljate on  a  (|uesti()ii  is
                   ii|i|)arently closed and the Honw ready to vote, the Speaker (or chainnan)
                   puts the ijUestion hy statin;;' it, if  iieces.sary, ami  sayiiiji'  : "Is  tlie House
                   reaily lor  tlie (luestion  '  '  If no one dissents or  rises to speak, he then
                   reails the (jiiestion on which the decision of  tiie House is tirst to hi' taken,
                   and .says,  " who are  in  I'aAor  oi' the  i|Uestion (or aiiiendiin'iit  ) will
                   say  ' yea,' those who are of the ccaitrary opinion will sa^' 'nay.'  " When the
                   sii])porters and o})ponents ol" the  (Hiestioii have <;i\cii their voices lor and
                   a;;ainst the (piestion, he will .say,  "  1 think the yeas have  it,  ' or,  '  1 think
                   the nay.s have it,  " or, " 1 cannot decide,  ' as the case may he.
                      If the House does not ac<piiesci» in the decision the "yeas" and "uay.^"
                   may he called  f(jr.
                      in the House of Commons in that ease the Speaker says, "Those who
                   are in favor of the motion (oi- ameiulment) will ])lease to rise."  The Clerk,
                   liavin;;- liet'ore him a list ol' all the names printed alpiialieticaily. will place
                   a mail'; ai^ainst eacii name as it is c;illed.  The assistant calls (Hit the name
                   of e'rtch member as he rises.  When all the memhcrs  in  l'a\(ir ol' the ipies-
                   tion have voted, the Speaker says aj;ain, "Those who arc oppo.sed to the
                   moti'iii (oi' amendments will jileasc to rise." and the names taken down in
                   the manner just de.serihed.  When all the names ha\'e thus heen taken
                   down the Clerk counts the votes and declares the numher i;iven on each
                   side, when the .Speaker announees, "The moticni is resolved in the attirma-
                   tive,'  01  pa.ssed in the iie<fative.  ' ns the case may he.
                       If  it was an amendment that was  liein^ voted on  the Speaker or
                   Chairman would then put the  next  <nn'sti()ii, and the House divide as  i-
                   before if calle<l for.
                      Incase of an eipiality ol' votes the  (  'hairman  iiui" ^ix'e the castine-
                   vote and  it  is customary  I'or him to state  his  reason.  In municipal
                   councils tlie head of the Council votes as a member, and in ca-se of a tie the
                   (piestiun  ^roes in the  nejjjative.  A i|nestioii  is fully put when both the
                   "yea-  ami  nays" have been taken.
                      ^ii'i Motions.  1.  In Parliament all motions must be in writini.; and
                   seconded before  lieinir debated or put from the chair, except a motion for
                   the  ' pre\ ious (|uestion  "  and nioti(nis of ordinary routine business, such as
                   adjournment or the readiiifj^ of bills a first, .second (jr third time, or disjiosiny
                   of ('(anmunieat ions, etc.
                      2. A iiKjtioii that is not seeondi'd must not be pro[iosed from the chair
                   or debated, neither shall there be any entry thereof made in the records of
                   pi'oeeediii;;s (minutes).
                      :{.  In  r.irl lament, when a mi'mber proposes to brine; a motion b(!fore
                   the H'Mise, he must ^ive due notice of the same for consideration on some
                   future d.iy. except  it  is a ipiestion of " privilenje" or "urjfei icy, when itmay
                   be immediately eoiisidereil  Such motions as  relate to the business of the
                   House, or some matter clearly a case of urgency, may be made by the
                   unaniniDus consent of th." without ^i\ iiiy,' jirevious notice.
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