Page 120 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 120
Goetz, J. B., 8û6 McCalluin Hill BuiIdiug, Regina, Sask.
Gonzaga Univereiiy Library, Spokane 2, Washin@on, U.S.A.
Gorman, Wm. T., 767 Warsaw Avenue, Winnipeg 9, Man.
Gough, F. V., Midnapore, Alta.
Gredieh, Stephen, College of Christ the King, London, Ont.
Grant, Alex, J., 66 Rosemount Ave,, Westmount, P.Q.
Granville, Rt. Rev. James, 37 Robic Street, Halifax, N.S.
Greschuek, The Honourable Mr. Juetice P., Court HOU=, Edmonton,
Hall, HonourabIe Chief Justice E. M., 75 Leopold Crescent, Regina, Sadr.
Hall. Rev. Henry, St. Kevin's Parish, 5600 Cote dce Neiges Road,
hlontreal 26, P.Q.
Halloran, Misa Jeanette. 3a King Street, East, Hamilton, Ont.
Hamilton Public Library, 85 Main St. W., Hamilton, Ontario.
Hanley, Rt. Rev. J. G., D.P., The Canadian Register, Kingston, Ont.
Hannah, Thos E., Box 78, Blumenhof, Sask.
Haggarten, B. W., M.D., 107 Medical Bldg., 217 Third Ave., Saskatoon,
Hayes, John D., K.M., 60 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ont.
Hebert, George, Box 249, Gravelbourg, Saak.
Henry, Charles, Q.C., Barrister & Solicilor, 171 Inglewood Drive,
Toronto, Ont.
Higgs, Wm. A., 7215 Casgrain Street, Montreal, P.Q.
Holrnem, A, J., Q.C., K.H.S., 100 Adelaide Street, Weet, Toronto, Ont.
Holy Rosary (jcholaoticate, Maclnnea, Rev. Allen, R.R. #1, P.O. Box
452, Dttawa, Ont.
Howard, Sean F., 614 Central BIdg., 620 View Street, Victoria, B.C.
Hughes, J. O., 267 Dundas Street, London, Ont.
Hurley, Reï. Jas. T., 5565 Cole St. Antoine Road, Montreal, P.Q.
Hutton, Miss Iahbel, 260 Metcalfe Strcet, Ottawa, Ont.
Hyde, Frank A., Q.C., 195 Margaret, WalIaceburg, Ont.
Hynes, honard, 500 Laird Blvd., Montreal 16, P.Q.
Hynes, L. J., B.A., 50 Laird Blvd., Town of Mount Royal, P.Q.
Ingoldrby, Rt. Rev. J. H., D.P., 172 Leslie Street, Toronto 8, Ont.
Jackman, Dr. ho, Suite 815, Medical Arts Building, Guy & Sherbrooke
Streets, Mantreal 25, P.Q.
Jesuit Novitiate, Tbe Librarian, Braceland, Rev. L., S.J., Guelph, Ont.
Jesuit Serninary Library, 403 Wellington Street, West, Toronto 2B, Ont.
John Carroll University Librar y, University Heights, Cleveland 18,
Ohio, U.S.A.
Johnston, Rcv. J. P. R.R 5, Bolton, Ont.
Johnston, Mise Mary, 158 Jarnea Street, St. Catharines, Ont.
Johnson, Rev. Peler Leo, D.D., 3257 S. Lake Drive, Milwaukee 7, Wis.