Page 115 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
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Boyle, Jemm P., Prwident, Shipping Limited, 41M St. Nicbolas Street,
Montreal, P.Q.
Boyle, John Petrick, 536û Weat Broadway, Montreal 29, P.Q.
Bradbjn, William, 389 Si. Claire Avenue, Lancaster, N.B.
Bradley, Rev. F. H., University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont.
Bradley, Rev. John ho, Bisbop's Houe, 740 View Street, Victoria, B.C.
Brcen, Rev. Russeii, Newman Club, 3434 Peel Street, Montreal 2, P.Q.
Brenuan, His Honour Judge George, CornwaU, Ont.
Brennan, J. F., B. Arcb., MRAIC., 1221 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont.
Brennan, Rev. John H., P.P., St. Edrnund's Parish, 537 BeaconsfieM
Blvd., Beaurepaire, P.Q.
Broderick, George N,, 5765 Cote St. Antoine Road, Montreal, P.Q.
Brodeur, T'be Moet Rev. Rosario, Bishop's House, Mmandria, Out.
Brooks, Dr. Edward, MRCP Lond., FRCP (c), 170 St, George Street,
Toronto, Ont.
Brown, V. J., 65 St. James Avc., Toronto, Ont.
Buck, Miéis Muriel, Quebec Provincial President, Caholic Women's
League, 223 Laurier Street, St. Johnq P.Q.
Buckiey, William F., B.A., B.Ed., 153 Dundas Street, Bellwille, Ont.
Buckiey, Frank, c/o W. K. Buckley Limited, 559 Coliege Street,
Toronto, Ont.
Buckley, William F., B.A., B.Ed., 82yJ Station Street, Belleville, Ont.
Bujila, Mre. Bernadine, 309 Saskatchewan Crescent, West, Saskatoon,
Burke-Ga%ney, S.J., Rev. M. W., Saint-Mary's University, Halifax, N.S.
Burke-Gaff ncy, P., 779 Jeseic Avenuc, Winnipeg, Man.
Burns, P. J., Q.C., 32 Prospect Street, Kirkland Lake, Ont.
Byrne, MI. Mred E., Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd., 940 Lans-
downe Aveiiue, Toronto, Ont.
Byrne, Mrs. Bernice, 908 Superior Avenue, Calgary, Mta,
Cahoon, J. E., 4700 Westmount Aveniie, Westmount, P.Q.
Callagban, Rt. Rev. H. J., D.P., 24 Cberitan Avenue, Toronto, Ont.
Campbell, A, J,, 1431 Canora Road, Town of Momt Royal, P.Q.
Campbell, Geo. A., Manitoba Club, Broadway & Fort Streets,
Winnipeg, Man.
Campion Collep, Regina, Sask., (Rev. James J . Farrell, S.].).
Canadian Federation of Convent Alumnea, c/o Miss Margaret McMann,
1A Vermont Avenue, Toronto, Out.
Canisius College Library, 2001 Main Street, Buffalo 8, N.Y. U.S.A.
Cannon, Mr. R. A., B.A., 1397 - 112th Avenue, S.W., Calgary, Alta.
Cardinal McGuigan 4th Degree General Assembly, Knigbts of Columbuti,
Toronto, c/o A. Joeeph Cullen, Bank of Montreal Bldg., King %
Bay Sts., Toroiito, Ont.
Carey, Right Rev. D. J., St. Helen's Rcctory, North Burnaby, B.C.