Page 123 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
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Mecpherson, Rt. Rev. Donald, c/o Brothers of Our Lord, New
Glesgow, N.S.
Medden, Rev. A., O.M.I., 2015 Eighth Avcnue, W,, Vancouver, B.C.
Medonna House, Combemere, Ont.
Mahoney, Rt. Rev. hdrew O., D.P., V.G., Rector, St. Peter's Seminary
London, Ont.
Mahoney, T. J., 269 Parkdale Avenue, N,, Hamilton, Ont.
Mallon, Justin, Q.C., 189'4 Front Street, North, Sarnia, Ont.
Malone, Rt. Reverend J. M., 1 W - 113 Street, Edmonton, Alta.
Malone, John M., 69 Haultain Gcscent, Regina. Sask.
Malone, Wiliiam, Rio Tinto Mining Co. of Canada Ltd., 335 Bay Street,
Toronto, Ont.
Maloney, Arthur, Q.C., M.P., Suite 607, 320 Bay Street, Toronto 1, Ont.
Mangan, Joseph, Q.C., 14% King Street, East, Oehawa, Ont.
Mangan, Miss Mary F., 126 Glen Road, Toronto, Ont.
Martin, John P., 32 King Street, Dartmouth, N.S.
Martin, W. S., Q.C., 200-215 Imperia1 Bank Bldg., Niagara Faiis, Ont.
Mason, George J., 3798 St. Clair Ave. E., Scarborough, Ont.
McAndrew, His Honour Judge P. J., ludge's Chambers, Part Arthur,
McAvoy, Dr. James R., 35 BueIl Street, Brockville, Ont.
McBride, Joseph M., B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, 7 Superior Avenue,
Mimico, Ont.
McCaffrey, Clarence F., K.C., 757 Place d'Arrnee Hill, Montrcal, P.Q.
McCarrey, Harold J., 1 Belgrave Avenue, London, Ont.
McCarthy, Rev. D. J., St. Agnes Rectory, 1 Mumfard Road, Halifax, N.S.
McCarthy, Most Rev. T. J., D.D., 82 Yates Street, St. Catharines, Ont.
McCormick, Bad, 29 Colgale Avenue, Toronto 8, Ont.
McCormjck, Evan, 34h Main Street, Winnipeg 1, Men.
McCrory, Major M. J., 1017 Notre Dame Street, W=t, Montreel 3, P.Q.
McCuiiougL. George, 209 Harvard Avenue, Winnipeg, Man.
McDonagh, Judge Frank G. J., 69 Chcritan Avenue. Toronto 12, Ont.
McDonald, Dawson A., Q.C., 2981 Cote St. Catherine Road, Montreel,
McDonald, D. F., B.A., Barristcr & Solicitor, Day, Wilson, Kelly,
Martin & Morden, 250 University Avenue, Toronto, Ont.
McDonald, Miss Dorothea, 424 Lauricr Avenue, W., Ottawa, Ont.
McDonald, J. A., P.O. Box 1202, Place D'Amcs, Montreal, P.Q.
McDonald, J. Gerard, 56 Coburg Street. Saint John, N.B.
McDonnell, Willred S., B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, Sinclair, Gaodenough,
Higginbottom & McDunnell, 320 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont.
McDonough, Dr. T. J., D.D.S., 470 Physicians & Surgeona Bldg.,
Toronto, Ont.
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