Page 117 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
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Congregation of Our Lady of the hlissions, 800 Yarwood Avenue,
Winnipeg, Man.
Connolly, Hon. John J., O.B.E., Ph.D., L.L.B., c/o Messrs. Clark,
Macdonald & Co., 56 Sparkfi Streek, Otiawa, Ont.
Contway, Dr. MA., F.I.C.S., 22 Garfield Avenue, Toronto, Ont.
Cooney, V. A.. B.A., L.L.B, 4.00 Leeson Lineliani Building, Calgary,
Ccisentino, JosepIi A.. Q.C., 57 Quwn Street, W., Toron10 1, Ont.
Cote, Rev. Sister hlarFuerit~Marie, Youville Home, St. Albert, Alta.
Convent of the Saered Heart, 86 West Gate, Winnipeg, Man.
Conway, Rev. J. H., O.hl.l., St. Pairick's College, Echo Drive, Ottawa,
Corbett, Mrs. John S., 65 Forden Avenue, Westmount, P.Q.
Corbo, Miss Eeriha, 61 Jasper Roatl, Beaeonsfield, P.Q.
Couglilin, J. F., Q.C., Federal Eldg., 85 Richmond Street, W., Toronto,
Courtriglit, J. Ili., Manager, Eastern Division, Shell Oil Company, 1255
University Street, P.O. Box 430, Station B, Montreal, P.Q.
Cowessess Indian Residential School, Marieval, via Grayson, Sask.
Coyne, J. Frcd. Bryson, P.Q.
Creighlon, Tliomas N., Q.C., 83 Richmond Sireet, Toronto, Ont.
Cropley, L. J., Il7 Royal York Road, N., Toronto 18, Ont.
Cuddiliy, Basil, M.D.
Cuddih~, M. Paul, Q.C., P.O. Box 890, Rouyn, P.Q.
Cuddiliy, Mrs. M. Paul, P.O. Brix 890, Rriuvn. P.Q.
Cuelenaere, Jolin M., Q.C., 103 T.D. Bank Building, Prince Albert, Sask.
Culliton, Honourable Mr. Juatjce E. M., 11 Lcopold Cresrent, Regina,
Culman, Rev. J. F., 67 Bond Srreet, Toronto, Ont.
Daly, Conor J., 26 Nepean Stteet, Apartinent 111, Ottawa, Ont.
Danizer, Vincent M., Barrisler & Solieitor, 206 Pliillips Building,
10169 - lw Street, Edmonton, Alta.
Davis, Reverend Mother, Convent of the Sacred Heart. 230 Spring
Garden Road, Haliiax. N.S.
Day, Thomas J., Q.C., K.C.S.G., Day, Wilson, Kelly, Martin 6 Morden,
250 University Avenue, Toronto, Ont.
Dean, B. E.: 1411 - 12th Street, East, Saskatoon, Sask.
Deis, P. S., 3 Mitchell Buildiug, Regina, Sesk.
Delaney, hliw hlargarrt, 613 hgnes Street, Winnipeg, Man.
Delonghery. Rev. F. J., Box 1% Eganville, Ont.
Dernay, Dr. Maurice, Eox 39, North Eattleiord, Sask.
DesRocher, His Honout J. S., P.O. Brix 238, Montagne, P.E.I.
De Si. Jorre, E. Jorre, B.A., LL.B., 408 Stobart Bldg., 7-13 Yates Street,
Victoria, B.C.