Page 119 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 119

Fabbro,  His Worship Mayor  Joseph,  251 hrne Street, South, Sudbury,
                                 Fabris,  Mrs.  Valentine,  745  Jngersoll  Street,  Winnipeg  10,  Man.
                                 Faherly, G.  F.,  202  Englewood  Drive,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Farrell,  John,  K.  A.,  Pb.D.,  1!Jû  Elmwood  Avenue,  tondon,  Ont.
                                 Feehan,  F.  M.,  Barriater  &  Solicitor,  830 Tegler  Building,  Edmonton,
                                 Feeley, Rev.  109.  Edgar, 872 Convent Street, Montreal, P.Q.
                                 Fitzgerald,  1.  J., "Rockacres",  P.O.  Box 189,  Blind  River,  Ont.
                                 Fitmnaurice,T.  J.,  30 George Street, Mimico, Toronto, Ont.
                                 Fitzpatrick,  John  J.,  B.A.,  222  Rosedale  Heights  Drive,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                  Fitzpatrick,  W.  Stanton, M.D., 335  Stewart  Street,  Peterborough,  Ont,
                                 FIaherty,  Mr.  Frank,  B.A.,  Barrister  &  Solicitor,  Preea  Gallery,  House
                                     of  Commons,  Ottawa,  Ont.
                                 Flaherty,  Dr.  Gerald,  202  lnglewood  Drive,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                  Flahiff,  Very  Rev.  S.  B.,  c/o  Basilian  Fathere  of  Toronto,  95  St.
                                     Joseph  Strmt, Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Flahiff, T.  F.,  Quehec  North  Shore  Paper  Company,  680  Sherbrooke
                                     Street,  West,  Montreal 2,  P.Q.
                                 Flavin,  Gerald  P.,  70  Rusdl  Street,  Haliiax,  N.S.
                                 Fleming,  Rev.  John,  St.  Patrick's  Mercy  Home,  Elizabeth  Avenue,  SL
                                     John's,  Ndd.
                                 Floyd, David  N.,  47 Ottawa  Road,  Arlington  74, Mass.,  U.S.A.
                                 Flynn, Mias Mary,
                                 Forrestall,  T.  F.,  Q.C.,  County  Crown  Attorney,  Welland,  Ont.
                                  Fox,  William,  Q.C.,  B.A.,  371  Ricbmond  Street,  London,  Ont.
                                 Franciseian  Monastery,  233  Carlion  Streei,  Winnipeg,  Man.
                                 Fraser,  A.  D.,
                                 Fullerion,  Rt.  Rev.  John  G.,  67 Bond  Street,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Calvin,  Martin,  53  Strathcona  Avenue,  W.,  Hamilton,  Ont.
                                 Gardiner,  Albert  Auetin,  144 Edison  Avenue,  St. Lambert,  P.Q.
                                 Gariepy, His Honour ludge C.  E.,   Jasper Avenue.  Edmonton, Aka.
                                 Gelinas,  Mrs.  Charles,  515 Champagneur  Avenue,  Outremont,  P.Q.
                                 Gerein,  Rt.  Rev.  Frank,  D.D.,  420  College  Ave.,  Regina,  Sa&.
                                 Gibson,  Dr.  Edwerd,  16 HiUcroft Drive,  Kingston,  Ont.
                                 Gibson,  Hugh  F.,  85 William  Street, Kingston,  Ont.
                                 Gillis,  Rev. Donald  S.,  St. Agnes  Chureh,  Debec, N.B.
                                 Cillis,  Rev.  F.,  13072 Sherbrooke Avenue,  Edmonton, Alta.
                                 Gillis,  Dr.  John,  Professor  of  Educetion,  University  of  Alberta,
                                     Edmonton,  Alta.
                                  Gillis, John H. L., LLB.,  Toronto-Dominion  Bank  Bldg.,  Victoria,  B.C.
                                 Gillogly,  Rev. V. J.,  St.  Joseph's  Hospital,  Peterborough,  Out.
                                 Gjllooly,  Cliarles,  K.C.S.G.,  9 Binacarth  Road,  Toronto,  Ont.
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