Page 121 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 121

Jordan,  Most  Reverend  A.,  Coadjutor  Archhishop  of  Edmonton,  Arcb.
                                     hishop's  Residence,  10098 -  113th Street, Edmonton,  Alta.
                                 Juzynic,  Rev.  F., Sinnett, Sask.
                                 Kadziola,  Rev.  S.  J.,  SI. Anthony's  Parish,  P.D.  Box  16, Chalk  River,
                                 Kaye,  V.  J.,  Ph.D..  90 Oseington Avenue,  Oltawa, Ont.
                                 Keagin,  Mary  Eva,  58 Clarendon  Street,  Saint  John, N.B.
                                 ~eenan, ~ohn S.,  B.%.,  P.Eng.,  29  Rosedale  Heights  Drive,  Toronto,
                                 Keenan,  Dr.  M.  V. 1., ï Cedar  Street,  Suite 3, Sudbury,  Ont.
                                 Keilty,  Mrs. Thomas, Thomasburg, Ont.
                                 Kelley,  Dr.  Francis  J.,  The Charles  Camsell  Hospital,  Edmonton,  Alta.
                                 Kelly,  Arthur  J.,  Q.C.,  LL.D.,  K.C.S.G..  Day,  Wilson,  Kelly,  Martin
                                     &  Morden, 250 University Avenue,  Toronto, Ont.
                                 Kerans, Roger Philip,  Barrister  &  Solicilor, 403 Civic  Block, Edmonton,
                                 Kcrrin,  Hugh  F.,  743A Outremon t  Avenue.  Oulremont,  P.Q.
                                 Keyserlingk,  Robert  H.,
                                 Keyserlingk,  Robert  W.,  Brit isli  Uniied  Press  Limited,  575  University
                                     Street, Montreal,  P.Q.
                                 Kirnnii tt.  Robert  A.,  n.Eng.,  M.Ed.,  Superintendent  of  Schools,  425  -
                                     18th Street,  South,  Leihbridge,  Alts.
                                 Kindred,  A. M.,  86 -  2nd Avenue,  Yorkton,  Sesk.
                                 King, Wie  Hon.  Mr.  Justice  Maurice,  Osgoode  Hall,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Kuowlton,  W. Leo.  Q.C.,  320 Bay  Street,  Torunto,  Ont.
                                 Kulcsar,  Rev.  A.  A.,  Cupar,  Sask.
                                 Kurtze,  William  L.,  2270 Queen  St.,  Regiua,  Sask.
                                 Laudiiau.  L.  A.,  Q.C.,  68 Yonge  Street, Toronto,  Ont.
                                 LaPierre,  Lanrier  L.,  M.A.,  Loyola  College,  7141  Sherbrooke  St.  W.,
                                     Moutreal,  P.Q.
                                 L,apointe,  Rt.  Rev.  E.  J.,  D.P.,  375 Kitchener Avenue,  Westmount.  P.Q.
                                 Latehford,  hlrs.  F.  R.,  136 St.  Clair  Avcnue,  Eest,  Torontu.  Ont.
                                 LetehIord,  Mrs.  F.  R.,  Our hdy of  Merey  Hospital.  LOO  Sunnyside,
                                     Torouto,  Ont.
                                 Lauder,  Rev.  Rolicrt  E.,  St.  Petriek's  Reetory:  797  Brunswiek  Sireet,
                                     Haliiax,  N.S.
                                 LeBel,  The  Hou.  Mr.  Justiee  Arthur  M.,  Osgoode  Hull,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                 LeBlanc,  Joseph,  P.O.  Box  133,  luvernesa,  N.S.
                                 LeBoldue.  Dr.  J.  M.,  2503 Winnipeg  Strcet,  Regina,  Sask.
                                 Leddy, 1. F.,  M.A., B.Litt.,  D.PhiI.,  Dean.  Arts  and Scienee, University
                                     of  Saakatchewan,  Saskatoon,  Sask.
                                 LeMoyne  College Library,  Le  Moyne  Heights,  Syraeuse  3,  N.Y.,  U.S.A.
                                 Leonard,  D.  D'Arey,  K.C.,  Canada  Permanent  Trust  Compauy,  10
                                     Meredith  Cresceni, Toronto 5, Ont.
                                 Leono ra,  Rev.  Sister  Mary,  S.P.,  40  Victoria  Avcnue,  Belleville,  Ont.
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