Page 116 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 116
Cermiclieel, Hugh J., 561 Oxford Strmt, Winnipeg, Man.
Cermody, Jobn, 5221 Park Avenue, Apartment 11, Montreal, P.Q.
Carolaa, J. J., 972 Grosvcnor Avenue, Winnipeg, Man.
Carroll, Rev. Chas., M.A., St. Dunstnn's Rectory, 621 Brunswick Street,
Fredericton, N.B.
Carroll, Most Rev. F. P.. D.D., Bishop of Calgary, 910 - 74 Street, N.W.
Calgary, Alta.
Carson, Dr. J. Rae., M.A., Suite 407, Druinmoud Medical Bldg., 1414
Drunimond Street, Montreal, P.Q.
Carrer, Most Reverend Alexander, Bjshop of Sault Ste. Marie, Bishop's
Refiidenee, North Bay, Ont.
Carter, Very Rev. G. Emmett, Auriliary Bishop of London, Ont.,
Windsor, Ont.
Carty, Arthur G., 931 Richmond Street, London. Ont.
Casey, N. T., 237 Young Street, Winnipeg, Man.
Cass, Rev. Michael, Comberniere, Ont.
Catliolic Women's League of Canada, Ontario Proviueial Council,
c/o Mae L. Knope, 291 Si. George St., London, Ont.
Catholic Women'e Leapc, Quebee Dimesan Council, c/o Mrs. H.
Fisher, President, 8.34 Lewis Avenne, Quebec, P.Q.
Carholic Women's League of Canada, Sherbrouke Dioceaan Council,
C/O Miss Yvettc Campbell, 585 Quebec Street, Sherbrooke, P.Q.
Catholic Wonien's League, Toronto Archdioeesan Council, c/o Mrs.
H. S. Lottridge, 48 Grove Street, Welland, Ont.
Chabanel, Rcv, Mother, I.B.V.M., Loretto College, 70 St. Mary Street,
Toronto, Ont.
Chadwick, Clarcnce, R., R.P.A., Business Manager, St. Francis Xavier
University, Antigonish, N.S.
Chaiswn, Miss Mary, 24 Pitt Street, Saint John, N.B.
Clare, Dr. Rupert, 13830 Ravine Drive, Edmonton, Alta.
Clark, Mrs. Catherine, A. M., 545 Brookleigh Rd., Royal Oak, Vancouver
te., B.C.
Clark, Mrs, Catherine, A.M., Raynhain, Brookleigh Road, RoyaI Oak,
Clarkc, Desmond A., O.B.E., P.O. BOX 730, Station B, Montreal, P.Q.
Cleary, J. L. D., 120 Ballantyne Avenue, North, Montreal West, P.Q.
Clune, Reverend R.B., J.C.D., 78 Clifton Road, Toronto, Ont.
Cody, Most Rev. J. C., D.D., 90 Central Aveuuc, London, Out.
Coleman, B. R., 101 Crystal Bldg., 120 Eighth Street, Brandon, Man.
College of Cbrist tlie King, London, Ontario.
Colley, J. S. Ned, 235 - 2nd Avenue, N.W., Swift Surrent, Sask.
Conachcr, J. B., Ph.D.. Department of History, Toronto University,
Toronto, Ont.
Condon, Mies Catherine, 70 College Avenue, ûtawa, Ont.