Page 113 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 113
Union Proclaniaiiun. He was acconipanied liy iwo ladies and a half dozrn
gentlemeni. The audience withio hsaring consisted of ihree prrhnns, und
pven ~ h did ynni apprar \O be vrrv ai~enrive. Alter the readine of iht
Proclamalion was concluded, ihr genllrtrien on the bdcony gavc a rheer,
hai the ihren prrnons below -- rhn li kr the Tooley Si. Tailors rho clainird
io be ~he "people or England" -- and at ihai niorncnl represenied rlie
people ol Prince Edward Island, rrsponded nerer a word."
In July 1873 Lord Duflerin visitd Prince Edward Idarid. He was
greetecl by Bn arch of welcome, adorned with the words "Long coiirted
non et last". Three weeks laier he wroie to Matdoriald that "he lound
ihe IsIarid in a high state ot jubilatiori, and quiie under the itripressioti
that it is the Dominion that has been annexcd to Prince Edward Island,
and in alluding to the subjcct, I have adapted the same tone". His
attitude rriust have Iteen eonsoling to a penple whose local patriotism
had so recently been forced to yield to economic necessity.
,411 referrnces in ihia paper are from ih~ witcr'o anpalilished ihcsiu ~ntiiled,
"Prince Edwnrd laland and Conl~drration, 18b3-1873". This lh~sis is in the lihrary
ni ~he Univrrsity of Torunto.