Page 304 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 304

314                            QUEBEC.

     GOVERNOR  GENERAL'S  SECRETARY'S  OFFICE—Lieut.  Co!,  the Hon. Robert  Bruce,
         acting  governor  general's  secretary;  Henry  Cotton,  chief  clerk;  W.  JR. Bartlett,
         2nd clerk;  M. Tumor,  3rd clerk;  Philip  St. Hill,  office-keeper;  George Boxall,
     PROVINCIAL  SECRETARY'S OFFICE—Hon. James Leslie, provincial  secretary ;  Edmund
         A.  Meredith,  assistant  secretary, west;  Etienne  Parent,"assistant  secretary,  east;
         T. D. Harrington, chief clerk  Grant  Powell, H. E.  Steele,  Charles John  Birch,
         C. St. George Yarwood,  clerks,  western  section.  Thomas  Ross,  Henry  Jarmy,
         W. H. Jones, A. R. Roche, W. . Wright, S, T6tu, clerks, eastern  section.  John
         Gow, John  Twamley,  messengers.
     RECEIVER  GENERAL'S OFFICE—Hon. E. P. Tach6,  receiver general;  C. E. Anderson,
         confidential  clerk;  T. Dufort,  1st clerk ; J. B. Stanton, 2nd clerk;  E. C.Bourret,
         3rd clerk;  William  Hedge,  George C. Iteiffenstein,  Jos.  F. Pellant,  extra  clerks ;
         James  Thomson,  messenger.
     INSPECTOR  GENERAL'S  OFFICE—Hon.  Francis  Hincks,  inspector  general;  Joseph
         Gary,  deputy  inspector general; Matthew Ryan, confidential  clerk ; David A. Ross,
         chief  clerk;  William  Dickinson,  book-keeper;  N. Goddard,  book-keeper;  J.
         Drysdale, A. Cary, clerks.
     CUSTOMS BRANCH—R.   S. M. Bouehette,  commissioner  of  customs; A. S.  Menzies,
          1st clerk  j- H. H. Duffill,  2nd clerk ; J. R. Audy, John  Boyd,  and J. A. Green,
         extra  clerks; P. Gaul,  messenger.
      OFFICE  OF REGISTRATION  OF STATISTICS—Board,  the  honorables  the inspector  gen-
          eral,  receiver  general,  and provincial  secretary;  W. C. Crofton,  secretary and
          statistical clerk  to the customs branch  of the inspector  general's  office.
      PUBLIC  WORKS  DEPARTMENT—This  department  exercises  a  general  superintending
         and  directing power  over  harbors, canals and public  works generally.
      Hon. Jos. Bourret,  chief  commissioner;  Hon. H. H. Killaly,  assistant  commissioner;
         Samuel  Keefer,  chief  engineer; E. .  Rubidge,  assistant  engineer,  and  principal
         draftsman;  Thomas  A. Begley, secretary;  E.  Hamilton,  1st clerk;  Charles D.
         Shanley, 2nd  clerk;  S.Strang, book-keeper;  Michael  Walsh, messenger  and  office-
      CROWN  LANDS  DEPARTMENT—Hon.  J. H. Price, commissioner.
      SURVEY  DEPARTMENT,  C. E.—Joseph  Bouehette,  sen., surveyor  and draughtsman;
         E. T. Fletcher,  2nd do.; P. L.  Morin,  3rd do.; Charles  J.  Bouehette,  extra
         draughtsman;  W.  F .  Collins, J.  C.  Gibb,  accountants;  E.  Labrosse,  copying
         clerk;  Jean  Langevin,  chief  clerk;  N. F. Laurent,  Thos. Hammond,  J. C. A.
         Poitras, clerks.
     JESUITS'  ESTATES  AND ROYAL DOMAIN—Felix Fortier,  clerk.
      SURVEY  DEPARTMENT,  C,W.—Andrew  Russell,  sen., surveyor  and draughtsman;
         Thomas Devine, assistant do.;  William  Spragge,  chief  clerk;  T.  Hector, W. J.
         Jones, E. T.  Roche,  J.  Alley,  clerks; J. C. Tarbutt,  accountant;  Charles W.
         Shay,  Charles  W.  Magon,  assistant  accountants;  W.  F .  Whitcher,  James
         McDonagh,  clerks.
     Reports on applications to purchase  crown  lands,              2s.  6d.
     Reports on petitions,..               ..'                       2s.  6d.
      Certificate  under the hand of the  surveyor  general,..'.....,  '..  2s.  6d.
      On filing certificates  of settlement.duty,  on grants to individuals not privileged,  2s.  6d.
     Location  ticket on grants not privileged........         .'    3s.  9d.
     Location  ticket on privileged  persons  after first location,  .'..  3s.  9d.
     On  searching plan or record,                                   Is.  3d.
     Copy of townsjhjpplan,  ..............................................  12s.  6d.
     GROWN  LAW  DEPARTMENT—=The Hon.                     attorney  general  (C.
         E.) ;  L.  T. pmmniond,  solicitor  general, (C.  E.); €reorge Futvoye,  permanent
         law  clerk.                      f
     The  Hon.                     attorney  general (C.  W.);  J. S. Macdonald,  soli-
         citor general (C. W.) ;  Mpore A. Higgins, clerk.
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