Page 301 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 301

QUEBEC.                            311

                              QUEBEC  WATER WORKS.
      Dr. Morrin, president.
      COMMITTEE—N.   F.  Belleau,  mayor ;  Hugh  Murray,  F. X.  Paradis,  John Maguire,
          Dr.  0. Robitaille,  Dr. James  Sewell,  T.  W. Lloyd,  manager;  G.  R.  Baldwin,
                             QUEBEC  MINING  COMPANY.
      H.  LeMesurier, president;  J. B. Forsyth,  vice-president.
      DIRECTORS—David  Burnet,  William  Price, Gustave Joly, G. B. Hall,  W. H. A. Davies,
          secretary.  Office,  Dalhousie  street, L. T.
                         MONTREAL   TELEGRAPH  COMPANY.
                         Office, Exchange  buildings,  Arthur  street, L. T.
      RATES.—For  the transmission  and writing  out  of every ten words,  or less,  exclusive
          of the  address and signature :
      For any distance under  100 miles,                          ••• Is.  3d.
             and  l£d. for each  additional  word.
               Over  100 miles and under 200,                        Is.  8d.
             and 2d. for each  additional word.
               Over  200 miles, and under 400,                      2s.  6d.
             and 3d. for each  additional  word.
               Over 400 miles,                                      3s.  9d«
             and 4d. for each additional  word.
      For  every ten words exceeding  100, the above rate  will be reduced  one-third.
      Payment  in all cases to be made  in advance, and the company not responsible for the
          inaccuracies of the operators.  George W. Purkis, superintendent.
      Alexander  Gillespie, president.
      DIRECTORS.—Captain  Boxer,  C. Wurtele,  H.  LeMesurier,  J.  Gillespie,  S.  Wright,
          James  Gibb, J. Munn.
                         QUEBEC  AND  RICHMOND  RAILWAY.
      The  Honorable R. E. Caron, president;  Captain W. Rhodes, vice-president.
      DIRECTORS—James  Bell  Forsyth, Henry  LeMesurier, Francois  Real Angers, Thomas
          W.  Lloyd, William  Lampson, George H. Simard,  David  Ramsay  Steuart, Robert
          N.  Watts, M. P. P., George R. Foster,  Richmond  George B. Hall.
      E. P. Mackie, secretary ; S. Lelievre, attorney.
      BANKERS—Quebec Bank, and Glynn, Halifax,  Mills & Co., London.
                            QUEBEC  BUILDING  SOCIETY.
      OFFICERS  FOR 1850—Jos. Morrin, president;  O. Robitaille,  vice-president.
      DIRECTORS.—W. Petry,  Chs. Alleyn, A. Lemoine,  Eugene  Chinic,  Joseph  Hamel,
          Dunbar Ross, C. P. Pelletier, P. Sheppard.
      LEGAL  ADVISERS.—Chas. Alleyn, and J. M. Hudon.
      NOTARIES.—Josiah Hunt, and J. B. Pruneau.
      INSPECTORS.—Messrs.  Simon Peters, and David Dussault.
      BANKERS   The Quebec Bank.  Office, No. 4 St. George St., Upper  Town.
                             UNION BUILDING  SOCIETY.
      DIRECTORS—Weston Hunt, president; W. S. Henderson, vice-president.
          F.  X.  Paradis,' J.  A.  Sewell,  M. D.,  Daniel  McGie,  H.  S.  Anderson,  W..
      BANKERS—Quebec Bank.
      SOLICITORS—Messrs.  Lelievre & Angers.
      NOTARIES—Wm. Bignell, J. G. Clapham.
      INSPECTORS—Messrs.  G. Blaiklock & Joseph  Archer.
      SECRETARY  AND TREASURES—John Ross, Office,  Clouett's buildings, Mountain st.
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