Page 309 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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QUEBEC.                             319

     Reazen, H., Grande  A116e, St. Johns.  Stillman, Richard, 12 Mountain st., L. T.
     Rheuam6, Etienne, DesfossSs st., St. Rochs.  Stephens, G., C6te d'Abraharn, St. Johns.
      Rheuam6, A., Crown St., St. Rochs.  St. Laurent, Joseph, St. Francis st., St. Rochs.
      Rheuam6, Louis, Crown t , St. Rochs.  Taylor, Charles, Artillery st., St. Louis.
      Rheuam6, N., Crown st., St. Rochs.  Teasdale, Thomas, 27 Buade St., U. T.
      Richardson, Robert, 23 St. John st., U. T.  Trudelle, Charles,  St. Genevieve st., St. Louis.
      Rodderi, E., St. John st., St. Johns.  Trudelle, G., St. Olivier st., St. Johns.
      Rousseau, Joseph, 4 Notre Dame st., L. T.  Turcot,  Edward,  Crown st., St. Rochs.
      Roy, Joseph, 8 Notre Dame st., L. T.  Turgeon, D., St. Dominique st., St. Rochs.
      Roy, Charles,  Desfosses st., St. Rochs.  Valee, P., St. Arm st., St. Rochs.
      Roy, N., Desfosses st, St. Rochs.  Val<;e, 0., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
      Russell, J., D'Artigney  st., St Johns.  Welch, P.. Lachevrotiere st., St. Johns.
      Savard, F., Desfosses st, St  Rochs.  Worlhington, J., St. John st., without.
      Seefiers, Joseph, St Genevievest, St Louis.  Wright, J., St. John  St., without.
      Smith, Joseph, St. Eustache st., St. Louis.
      Boswell, Joseph K., 28, 29, and 30 St. Peter st ,  I  Jamieson, H., St. Peter st, St. Rochs.
       L. T.                             McCallum, D., St. Peter st., L. T.
      Lepper, Paul, St. Paul st., L. T.
                           BUTCHERS  AND VICTUALLERS.
      DINNING, JAMES & WILLIAM, corner of St. Peter and St. Antoine sts;, L. T.
      DORAN,  THOMAS & EDWARD, L. T.  Market-place.
      Croker, J. & W., L. T. market.    I  Husband, James, St. John st, without
      Finch, James, L. T. market.       J  Wilkens & Burgess, L. T. market.
      Hesse, E., St. John st., without.  I
                       CABINETMAKERS   AND UPHOLSTERERS.
      CRAIG,  THOMAS,  78 St. Paul St., L. T.—keeps  always on hand a good stock of every
         article in his line of business of superior quality, and at moderate prices.
      DRUM, WILLIAM, St. Paul st., near the market—a superior stock of furniture constantly
         on hand and for sale upon very moderate terms.
      GUERARD, Louis, St. Paul St., L. T.,  sign of the golden chair—has constantly on hand
          a  large and elegant stock of every article in his line of business
      HADDAN,  ALEXANDER, 43 St. John St., U.T.—all descriptions of cabinetware and furni-
          ture constantly on hand and for sale upon reasonable terms.
      THOMAS, DIT  BIGAOUETTE,  G., St. Vallier  st., St. Rochs—has constantly on hand at
          low prices, every description  of cabinetware, looking-glasses, &c, &c, of the best
          quality and manufacture.
      VALLIER, J. O.,St. Vallier St., L. T.—has constantly on hand all descriptions of cabinet
          furniture,  looking-glasses, French paperhanging, Sec., &., all of which he offers upon
          very favorable terms.
      Bertrand, J. B., Richardson st, St Rochs.  Kelly, M., St. Louis st , U. T.
      Boomer, W. H., St. George st., St. Johns.  Lacoste, Louis, Crown st, St. Rochs.
      Cartwright, J., St. John st, without.  Lafleur, P. S., D'Aiguillon st, St. Johns.
      Campbell, B., St. Vallier st , St  Rochs.  Lafleur, F., Cote de Abraham, St Johns.
      Coal, J. & J., St John st., without.  Larivi^re, Thomas,  Desfosses st. St. Rochs.
      Cote & Deroche, St. John st., without.  Lepine, J., St. Vallier st, St  Sochs.
      C6tt§, N., St. Gabriel st, St Johns.  Marmette, S., St  Vallier st., St. Rochs.
      Cowan, A., Fleury st, St. Rochs.   Miller, J., St. Genevieve st, St  Louis,
      Darveau, F., St. Olivier st., St  Johns.  Parant, J., St. Genevieve st., St. Louis.
      Dion, Thomas, St. Julie st., St Louis.  Pitt,  Charles, 41 St. John st, U. T.
      Drouin, P., Desfoss6s st , St  Rochs.  Rickaby, A., St.  John st., without.
      Foley, S., 8 St. John st, without  Roy, P., Cote de Abraham, St. Johns.
      Fouriner, P., St. Vallier st, St. Rochs.  Roy, J. T., Grant st, St. Rochs.
      Gagnon, F. P., St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.  Roy,  Honore, St. Joachim st., St. Johns.
      Gilmour, P., Craig st, St. Rochs.  St  Laurent, J. B., Richelieu st , St. Johns.
      Henderson, Alexander,  12 St. Stanislas st., U. T.  St. Amond, 0., Richelieu st., St. Johns.
      Kearney, S., Lachevrotiere st., St. Louis.
      Belanger, A., St. Francis st, St Rochs.  Monier, B., St. Francis st., St. Rochs.
      Hemming,  Henry,  29 St. Paul  st. and Sault au  Peters, Simon, St  Vallier st., St  Rochs.
        Matelot st., next the Quebec Bank.  Peters,  Charles, St. Vallier st., St  Rochs.
      Mathieu, J., Desprairies st., St  Rochs.  Vallee, P., Desprairies  st., St  Rochs.
      Mernagh, M., St. Amable st, St. Louis.  Vezina, J., D'Aiguillon t , S t  Johns.
                              CARVERS,  GILDERS, &c.
      BAILEY,  JAMES,  carver,  gilder,  looking-glass  and  picture  frame  maker,  St.  John  st. ;
      iS'ormand, Franjois, Desfosses st. St.  Rochs.
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