Page 302 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 302

312                            QUEBEC.
                            PEOPLE'S  BUILDING  SOCIETY.
      C. N. Montizambert, president;  J. B. Frechette,  vice-president;
      DIRECTORS.—Paul  Lepper, E. Dugal, Louis Prevost, James  O'Connell, Michl.  Tessier.
      LEGAL  ADVISERS.—Casault  & Langlois, Holt & Irvine.
      NOTARIES.—J. B. Trudelle, N. H. Bowen.
      INSPECTORS.—A. Fraser, C. Huot.  Office,  Fabrique st., Upper  Town.
                             QUEBEC  TURNPIKE  TRUST.
      TRUSTEES—James  Gibb, chairman ; A. C. Buchanan, L. T. M'Pherson, James Douglas,
          M. D., Joseph E. Deblois, Dr. Itovvley, W. H. Lemoine, Daniel  M'Callum,  Ham-
          mond Gowen.  John Porter, secretary;  Louis Prevost, notary.  0$?ee, 38 St. Peter
                            BANKS  AND BANK AGENCIES.
                                  QUEBEC  BANK.
                                  ESTABLISHED 1818 .
                           Quebec Fire  Office buildings,  St. Peter st.
      DIRECTORS—James  Gibb, president;  William  Petry,  vice-president; L. B. Pinguet,W.
          H.  Anderson, A. A. Parent, Weston  Hunt,  H. J. Noad,  Thomas  Gibb, George
          Alford, N. F. Belleau, John  Jameson, Jeffrey  Hale, W. S. Sewell.
       Noak Freer,  cashier:  Charles  Gethings, assistant  cashier;  Samuel Newton, accountant;
          R. R. Barrett,  discount  clerk ;  Thomas  Mason,  book-keeper ;  James T, Wilson,
          paying teller;  James  Bancroft,  receiving teller;  Archibald  Campbell,  N. P. notary
          (since first establishment);  Hon. Henry  Black, counsel; D. Germain,  messenger;
          F.  Lefevre,  porter.
       AGENTS.—At Montreal, Banque Du Peuple;  New York, Maitland, Phelps & Co., Lon-
          don, Glynn, Mills & Co.  Discounts  Daily.
                             MONTREAL  BRANCH  BANK.
                              Corner St. Peter  and Jlrthur sts.
      William  Gunn,  manager;  Charles W. Jones,  accountant;  Caldwell  Ashworth,  assis-
          tant  accountant;  James  Meiklejohn,  paying teller;  Mathew  Stevenson,  receiving
          teller;  Philip Lesueur,  discount  clerk ; W. B. Martin, clerk and messenger. Hon.
          F. W. Primrose, solicitor;  L. T. Macpherson,  notary.
      This  Bank  draws on London, New  York and Western  Canada.  Discounts  Daily.
                              QUEBEC  SAVINGS'  BANK.
                        Office, Quebec Fire  Office buildings,  St. Peter st.
      Noah Freer, president;  James  Gibb, vice-president.
      Archibald  Campbell, W.  H., Anderson,  Weston  Hunt,  Hammond  Gowen,  Julien
          Chouinard, Paul Lepper, G. H. Parke, J. B. Frechette, jun., T. Gibb. Directors—
          J. TArnbull, secretary;  E-. R. Barrett, book-keeper.  Open on Tuesdays and Satur-
          days, from  11 till 1 o'clock.
                      QUEBEC^PROVIDENT   AND  SAVINGS' BANK.
                          INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT.
                        Open Daily.  Office, Freemasons' hall,  Buade st.
      TRUSTEES—Jeffery  Hale,  president;  C.  Wurtele,  Hon.  L.  Massue,  vice-presi-
      D. D. Young,  John  Musson, A. Laurie, A. M'Donald,  M. Connolly, F.  X Methot, J.
          Morrin, M. D., F. X. Paradis,  H. S. Scott, T. H. Oliver.  E . Ellis, cashier ; G.
          Darveau, messenger;  Hon.  F . W. Primrose,'solicitor.
                         BANK  OF  BRITISH  NORTH  AMERICA.
                             INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER.
                                 Office, St. Peter  street.
      LOCAL BOARD—H. Burstall,  James  Dean, J. M. Fraser, James  Gillespie, John  Thom-
          son.                          *
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