Page 299 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 299
Vessels. Tons. "Vessels. Tons.
Gillespje <fc Co S 315 Hudson's Bay Company. 1 107
M. J. Wilson & Co 5 281 LeMesurier & Co 2 87
Ryan Chapman «fe Co 2 185 O.Meehan 1 67
J.Stevenson 1 164 T.Clarkson 1 55
W.Stevenson 2 154 Gibb&Ross 1 51
Renaud Freres 3 150 James Gibb 1 48
Beswick & Mitchell 2 12*7 B. Trudelle .. I 26
J.J. Wyatt&Oo 2 109 D. McOallum 1 21
There is also a good number of small craft employed in the transport of supplies—chiefly flour—
to the Gaspe fisheries and the lumber establishments in the Baie-des-Chaleurs. A considerable quantity
-of the fish taken at these fisheries comes to Quebec; but it is chiefly the fish that is taken ia the latter
part of the season, -when it is too late to dry them for a foreign market—they are then barrelled and
brought to Quebec.
Number of vessels, and tonnage, that cleared at this port, this and last year, for ports in the United
States, by inland navigation.
1849. 1850.
Cleveland, (Ohio) 13 Vessels. 2428 Tons 11 Vessels. 1721 Tons
Whitehall, (N. Y.) 13 672 " 15 " 1167 "
Chicago. (Illinois) 1 " 103 "
St. Albans, (Vermont) 1 " 77 "
Burlington. (Vermont) 2 " 120 11 692 "
Monro, (Michigan) 6 " 1334 "
Sandusky, (Ohio) 1 " 211 «
Dunkirk, (N. Y.) 1 " 112 "
Vergennes, (Vermont) 1 '* 50 "
The trade is yet in its infancy, having only sprung up about three years ago; but it promises to
employ a large amount of tonnage, if the free navigation of the St. Lawrence is thrown open to the
Americans. It is, strictly speaking, a carrying-trade for the transport of heavy articles, such as railroad
and pig iron, salt, fish, <frc., which can be imported by the St. Lawrence, into the Western State?,
bordering on the upper lakes, cheaper than they can be taken by the route from New York, or any
other of the Atlantic cities. A large quantity of sawed timber has been sent this year from Quebec
to ports on Lake Champlain—the principal shipper of which was P. Patterson, Esq.
Number of vessels built and registered at Quebec, from 1847 to 1850 inclusive, up to the 1st December
in each year.
In 1847. In 1849,
47 Square rigged, aggregate tonnage 35,281 28 Square rigged, aggregate tonnage. 23,828
•23 Schooners, 1,895 9 Schooners
Total 37,176 Total 24,896
In 1848. In 1850.
24 Square rigged, aggregate tonnage.... 18,687 32 Square rigged, aggregate tonnage.... 29,184
14 Schooners 994 13 Schooners 1,208
3 Small steamers 228
Total 30,387
Total 19,909
It is expected that equally as many, if not more ships, will be built the ensuing year, than there were
the last.
HON. SIR JAMES STUART, Bart., chief justice ; Hons. Jean Roch Rolland, Philippe Panet,
Thomas Cushing Aylwin, puisn6 judges.
QUEBEC.—7th to 18th January, and 1st to 12th July.
MONTREAL.—1st to 12th March, and 1st to 12th October.
QUEBEC—20th January and 14th July.
MONTREAL.—14th March and 14th October.
THREE-RIVERS.—2nd February and 11th September.
^HERBROOKE (district of St. Francis)—12th February and 1st September.
Terms to continue until the business is closed.
Extraordinary terms may be held by proclamation.