Page 303 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 303

QUEBEC.                             313
      Robert  Cassels,  manager ; S. H. Ayers,  first teller ; R, B. Clerk, clerk;  Josiah  Hunt,
          notary;  W. W.  Ranson,  accountant;  Henry  Murrell,  second  teller;  William
          Robinson,messenger;  Robert  Ferguson,  porter.
      This bank  draws on London and all the principal towns in Ireland  and Scotland.  Days
          of  Discount,  Wednesdays and Saturdays.
                             BANK  OF UPPER  CANADA.
                                   QUEBEC BRANCH.
             (              Clouett's  buildings,  Buade  st., U. T.
      James  F .  Bradshaw,  manager;  Robert  Maxwell,  teller;  John  Brophy,  messenger;
          Dunbar  Ross, M. P. P., solicitor;  John  Greaves Clapham,  notary.
      This bank  draws on London, Scotland and New York, and the branches and  agencies in
          Canada  West.
                               PUBLIC  DEPAETMENTS.
                         OF  THE  GOVERNMENT  OF CANADA.
      GOVERNOR  GENERAL AND  SUITE—His  Excellency the  Right  Honorable  James,  Earl
          of Elgin and Kincardine, K. T., governor  general of British  North  America, and
          captain  general  and governor  in  chief  in and over  the  provinces  of  Canada,
          Nova  Scotia, New  Brunswick, and the Island of Prince Edward, and vice  admiral
          of the  same, &c, &c, &c.
      Lieut.  Col.  the Hon. Robert  Bruce,  military  secretary  and principal  aide de camp ;
          Lord  Mark  Kerr, military  aide de camp;  Mr. Grant,  79th  regiment,  and Captain
          Cotton, Royal  Canadian  Rifles,  aide de camps;  Lieut. Col. E. Antrobus,  provin-
          cial A. D. C.; Lieut.  Col. the Hon. A. de Salabeny, extra  provincial A. D. C.
      EXECUTIVE COUNCIL—The  executive  council  is a  ministry  for  assisting  the governor
          general  in the administration  of  affairs.  The members  are summoned  by the
          governor  general, and  must  hold  seats in either  house  of the legislature.
      Hon. Jos.  Bourret,  president  and commissioner  of  public works; Hon.
                  attorney general (east);   attorney general (west) ; Hon. Francis
          Hincks, inspector general;  Hon. James  Leslie,  provincial  secretary;  Hon. J. H.
          Price,  com. of crown  lands;  Hon. E. P. Tach6,  receiver  general;  Hon.  Jos.
          Bourret, chief commissioner  of public works;   clerk;  Wm. H. Lee,
          assistant and  confidential  clerk ;  Samuel  Boles  Smith,  Flavien  Vallerand, Wm. A.
          Himsworth,  and Oliver  Cdte, clerks;  Thomas  Byrne,  and F.  Himsworth,  extra
          clerks;  Michael Naughton, messenger;  David Ryan,  door-keeper.
      OFFICERS  OF THE  LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL—John F. Taylor, clerk  and  master  in  chan-
          cery;  Robert Lemoine, assistant  clerk and French  translator;  J. Fennings  Taylor,
          jun., assistant clerk,  and chief  office  clerk ; E. L. Montizambert, law  clerk,  clerk
          of  committees  and English  translator;  Rev.  W.  A.  Adamson,  chaplain and
          librarian;  W. A.  Maingy, J. E.  Doucet,  James  Adamson  and J.  Couillard,
          clerks; F. S. Jarvis,  gentleman  usher  of the black  rod; O. Vallerand,  sergeant
          at arms ; J. Brook, door-keeper;  Ml. Keating, chief messenger and house-keeper.
      OFFICERS  OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY—W.  B.  Lindsay, clerk;  G. B.  Faribault,
          assistant clerk;  G. K. Chisholm,  sergeant at arms;  G.  W . Wicksteed, law clerk
          and  English translator; W. P. Patrick,  chief  office  clerk;  William  Ross,  chief
          clerk of committees; H. Voyer, French  translator ; P. E. Gagnon, French journal
          clerk;  G. M. Muir,  English  journal clerk;  Alfred  Patrick,  clerk  of committees;
          Thomas Vaux, second  office  clerk  and accountant;  Alfred  Todd,  clerk  of  com-
          mittees ; W. B. Lindsay,  junior,  assistant  law clerk  and English  translator; G,
          Levesque, assistant French translator; D. P. Myrand,  assistant French  translator ;
          J.  Huston,  assistant  French  translator; W.  Winder,  librarian;  Alpheus  Todd,
          assistant  librarian;  H. Hartney,  third  office  and engrossing  clerk;  W.  Spink,
          clerk  of routine and records ;  Thaddeus  Patrick,  clerk  of committees ;  King Bar-
          ton, clerk  of petitions ; W. H. Lemoine, junior  clerk;  J.  P.  Leprohon,  clerk of
          committees;  H. B. Stuart,  engrossing clerk;  E. Denechaud, junior clerk;  W. C.
          Burrage, junior clerk ;  Alpheus Todd, caretaker  of parliament  buildings.
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