Page 244 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 244

      A  VILLAGE situated in the County of Huntingdon,  C. E.—distant  from Montreal, 27 miles—usual stage
      fare,  10s.  Population  about 900.
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      Cadieux, Joseph, dealer  in  groceries, hardware, dry  goods, crockery, &c.
      Morrier, .  R.,  dealer  in groceries, hardware, dry  goods, crockery, &c.
      Morrier, J.  R.,  dealer  in groceries, hardware,  dry  goods, crockery, &c.
      Barbeau,  F. X.,  commissioner  of  court.  Marcereau, Joseph,  shoemaker.
      Catudal, Jacques,  smith, and  carriagemaker.  McNeil,  , mason.
      Cyre, Rev. Narcisse,  Baptist.     Meritzi,  Antoine, notary.
      Dejarlais, Eli,  baker.            Morin,  Rev.  Amable, Roman  Catholic.
      Demers, Edward,  blacksmith.       Odel,  Loup,  postmaster,  storekeeper  and  com-
      Demers, Jacques, temperance  inn.    missioner  of  court.
      Douglas, Amasa T.,  general  store.  Racicot,  Gregoire,  waggonmaker.
      Douglas, Mrs. E.  W.,  temperance  inn.  Simard, Joseph A.,  notary.
      Gauthier, Louis, mason.            Smith,  George,  confectioner.
      Gregoire, Hubert,  commissioner  of  court.  Smith, Joseph,  contractor.
      Gregoire, Julien, J.  P.           Steel, John, general  store.
      Harper, James, veterinary  surgeon and  painter.  Stow, James,  tailor.
      Hazard, Rev. Henry,  Church  of  England,  Stuart,  Dr. William.  *
     Hebert, P. D., commissioner  of  court.  Trudeau, Joseph,  blacksmith.
     Letourneux, Narcisse,  cooper.      White, A.  G. H., agent  for the Seigniory  and  for
      Louprette, Michael,  miller.         Life  and Fire  Assurance.
     Lukm,  J-. B., notary, registrar  no. 1, and clerk  of  Williams, Winslow,  commissioner  of  court.  *"
       commissioners'  court.            York, John,  tailor.
      Marcereau, Louis, tanner  and  currier.
                               NEW    ABERDEEN,
      A VILLAGE  situated  in the Township  of  Waterloo, County  of  Waterloo, C.  W.—distant  from  Gait,
     miles, from  Goderich,  70 miles.  Population  about  1.25.
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PEOFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
     DAVIDSON,  GEORGE, postmaster, general merchant and  miller.
     Bent,  Amos, innkeeper  and  brickmaker.  Israel, George, weaver.
     Bishopp, Charles, tailor.           Nissel, Caspar, M. D.
     Brydone, Thomas,  cooper.           Phillip,  William.
     Browne, J.  G*., saw  mill.         Rudd, Henry,  blacksmith,
     Gregor,  David,  carpenter.         Taylor,  Henry,  weaver.
     Gregory, Henry,  miller.            Thompson, James,  cooper.
     Griffiths,  Ewan,  waggonmaker.     Thompson, Joseph,  shoemaker.
      Hamilton,  Captain  Thomas.
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on  the  Isthmus,  on  the  Rideau  Canal, in  the  Townships  of  North and  South
     Crosby, County of Leeds, C. W.—distant  from  Brockville, 38 miles, from Kingston, 96 miles.  Popula-
     tion  about 300.

     Bell, R.,  tailor,                  Leech,  James,  cabinetmaker.
     Chaffey,  Benjamin,  general  store.  M'Donnell, M., general  store.
      Denny, John, general store.        Proud, Joseph,  blacksmith.
     Howard, Rev.  V.,  Wesleyan.        Tett,  William,  innkeeper.
      Hubbard,  ,  blacksmith.           Tett,  Benjamin,  postmaster,  general  store  and
     Kilborn, John, saw mill.              saw  mills.
      Leech, R.,  shoemaker.             Watkins, Rev. John,  Church  of England.
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on the Napanee River, in  the  Township  of  Camden  and  County  of  Addington,
     C. W.—distant  from  Kingston, 23 miles—usual stage  fare,  3s. 9d.-—going and returning the same day,
     B«.—distant from  Napanee, 6J miles.  Population  about 700.
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PEOFESSIOlffS,  TEADES,  &o.
     CATON, ALLAN, chemist  and  druggist—patent  medicines, paints and  dye  stuffs  in  every
         variety, also school  and miscellaneous  books, &c.
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