Page 213 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 213

MONTREAL.                            223

                   GEORGE                  HALL,

            Nos.  48  AND   50  GEEAT     ST.  JAMES    STREET,

     THIS  House  is  situated  in  one  of  the most  Central  and Healthy Localities  in  Mon-
     treal, and is within two minutes  walk  of  the POST  OFFICE,  BANKS, and principal
     CHURCHES    in the  City.  The arrangements  are such as to insure travellers the  com-
     forts  of  home, and the proprietor who has  had  many years  experience  in  the business,
     pledges himself that  no exertion  shall be wanting  on his part  to secure the  convenience,
     health  and enjoyment  of  those who may  favor  THE  OTTAWA  HOTEL  with  their
     tf.B.—An  omnibus  conveys passengers  and their luggage to and  from  the steamers  and  railroad  depot
        free  of  charge.
     THORNTON, JOHN,  25 McGill st.  See  card.
     INDIA               RUBBEK

     THE  Subscriber  begs  to  call  the  attention  of  DEALERS  in  the  above  line,  to  his
     EXTENSIVE             STOCK       OF    RUBBER          SHOES
                             Of every description, at the

                      EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC.
     COUNTRY  MERCHANTS  are particularly  invited to inspect them,  as a large  portion  of the present
     atock  is well  suited  to the Country Trade, and will be put  up  in  assorted quantities to suit purchasers.
                   Particular  attention  is invited  to a superior  article of
                  |rati,      unit   plack      «itbte        Coats,

     Of  various shapes, Cloaks, Capes,  Pants,  Leggings, Caps, Camp Blankets,  Horse  Covers  and  Boots,
     Bathing Carpets and Caps,  Table Covers, Crumb  Cloths, Beds, Pillows, Cushions, Figured  Cloth  for
     Carriage Curtains, Cloth  for Piano  Forte  Covers, Life  Preservers,  Travelling Bags, Cups  and Flasks,
     Hot and  Ice Water  Bags, Teething Rings, Nursing  Bottles, Syringes, and a variety of articles for house-
     hold purposes,  Bands and Rings for  Office  papers, Bat  and Parlor Balls, Dolls' Heads, and other Smal
     Wares of India  Rubber.
                                              JOHN    THORNTON,
                                                      No.  25 M  Gill Street
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