Page 210 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 210

220                          MONTREAL.

                         DAIiHOUSIE            SQUARE,
                   NEAR THE PARADE                   GROUND,

         THE  Subscriber in returning  thanks to the public  for the liberal  share  of patronage
         which he received  during  his management  of " DONEGANA'S  HOTEL,"  previous  to its
         destruction by fire, begs respectfully  to call their  attention, and  invite  their support to the
            MAGNIFICENT                   ESTABLISHMENT,
                             Where he is now to be found, vte.:

         Which has been  erected and furnished at a vast expense, and is now in every  respect
                      THE        FIRST           HOTEL

                                THE     SITUATION
        Is  exceedingly  pleasant, being on the highest  ground  within the City  proper,  and in  the
        immediate vicinity of the Parade Ground, Dalhousie Square, City Hall, Public Offices,  &c.

                            IS  TRULY     DELIGHTFUL,
        Extending  over the entire City, the River, and the beautiful  country to the South  of the
                                St. Lawrence.  There is a
               PROMENADE                       IUSICALE
        In the Splendid and Spacious  Ball  Room, Every  TUESDAY  evening, during the  Season
        of Travel, at which the excellent  Military  B a n d  of the Troops in Garrison assists.

        Are  large, comfortable,  and numerous, so  that  no delay  need  occur  at any time in
                                     procuring one.
                   _•_•  JfcJPL  JKaLt  r3p_ _/r?Hk_  JEfl»  jML^t  JBBZ
        Will at all times be supplied  with  every  delicacy  of the  season which  can be procured.

        Will  uniformly be of the best Brands,  and every  attention  will  be paid  which can add
        to the comfort;  cp»yentepee, or enjoyment  of those who  may honour  the House with
        their patronage.  N. B. CARRIAGES are always in attendance  to convey passengers
        to or from the Steamboats and Railroad  Cars,  freeqfdiarge.
                                                  GEORGE         F.   POPE.
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