Page 208 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 208

218                           MONTREAL.

        MONTREAL  HOUSE,  George Fellers, Custom House  square—this house is very commo-
            dious and  central, and  affords  every  desirable  accommodation.
        OTTAWA  HOTEI^  George Hall, Great  St. James st.  See card, page 223.
        PEOPLE'S  HOTEL,  John, C.  Cullen,  207  Notre Dame  st.—the  house  has been  newly
            fitted up,  and will be  found  comfortable  and the charges  reasonable.
        RAILROAD  HOTEL, T.  Moore,  100 Bonaventure  st.—this house  is close to the Lachine
            railroad  dep6t, and will be  found  comfortable, and the  charges  moderate.
        RYAN'S  HOTEL, M. Ryan, 231  St. Paul  st.—this house will be  found  central  and con-
            venient, and  the  charges moderate.
         ST.  LAWRENCE HALL, Vardon  &  Hogan,  Great  St. James  st.  See  card, page 222.
        WESTERN   HOTEL,  (formerly  Ottawa  hotel,) Hewitt  & Vosburgh, McGill  st.—a  good
            yard  and stabling is attached to this house, which  is central and comfortable,  and the
            charges reasonable.
                            HOUSE  FURNISHING  WAREHOUSE.
         NELSON  & BUTTERS, 22 McGill st.
                                  INNS  AND  TAVERNS.
        HANLEY,  THOMAS,  innkeeper  and  provision  dealer,  corner  of  Common  and  Prince
            gtg._travellers  or emigrants  stopping at this house are  furnished  with  all necessary
            information  regarding  routes, rates  of fare, &c.
        Belanger,  Mrs., 201 Notre Dame st.  Leclaire, Pierre, 41 St. Paul st
        Beltete, George, Commissioners st.   Lefevre, Nicholas, 43 St. Paul st
        Bennet, W. P., 20 St. Urbain st.     Lescarbeau, J. B., 51 St  Paul st
        Berthiaume, Louis, Jacques Cartier square.  Liniere, Paul, Dorchester, near St. Urbain st.
        Bergeron, A. E., 5 Bonsecours st.    Low, John W., 3 Wellington st.
        Boulet, M., corner of St. Antoine and Mountain sts.  M'Auley, James, 55 St. Paul st. and st. Giles st,
        Bregard, L., 20 St. Joseph st.      M'Cormick, Thomas, 31 St. Paul st.
        Brennan, James, St. Peter st.       M'Cready, T., 35 Mountain st.
        Brenuan, Mrs., Haymarket square.    M'Crank, Neil, 131 Commissioners st.
        Bridgman,  John, 98 St. Lawrence st.  M'Cutcheon,  John,  corner  of  Lagauchetiere and
        Cameron, James, St, Urbain st.          Campeau sts.
        Carr, Mrs., 43 Notre Dame st.       M'Enro, James, 69 Commissioners st
        Cavan, Patrick, corner of Port and Foundling sts.  M'Grail, Michael, 75 Commissioners st.
        Clandinan,  William, 83 St. Mary st.  M'Ginley,  Charles, Ste. Elizabeth, corner  of  La-
        Corbett,  W., Bonaventure st,          gauchetiere sts.
        Cox, James, St. Mary st.            M'Kechney, Mrs., 67 Commissioners st.
        Coutley, J. B., 11 St. Paul st.     M'Nider, A., Jacques Cartier  square.
        Crowhurst, William, 2 St. Paul st   Maude, William, 8 St. Mary st,
        Crutchlow, Mrs., St Mary st.        Medden, John, St. Claude st.
        Cruice, John, 28 St Paul st         Mercier, A., Jacques  Cartier square.
        Crossan,  George,  Temperance  saloon, 22 Great  Mercier, A. D., 63 St. Paul st.
           St  James st.                    Moore, George, 19 St. Lawrence st.
        Dansereau, Nazaire, 59 St. Paul st.  Mountain,  Thomas, 40 St. Lawrence st.
        Darragh, Hugh, Commissioners st.    Munroe, Alexander, 115 Commissioners st.
        Decousse, P. B., Jacques Cartier square.  Murphy, L., corner of  Papineau  square.
        Depentigny, If., Commissioners st.  Murphy, Mrs., 57 Notre  Dame st.
        Dier, John, Grey Nun st.            Pattengale, Henry, 25 St. Paul st.
        Dumouchelle, Joseph, 45 St Paul st  Patton, Mrs., Friponne st
        Ennis, W., 90 Foundling st.         Pigeon, Charles, St. Amable lane.
        Fitzpatrick, James, Jacques Cartier square.  Pontine, Mrs., 5 St. Frangois Xavier st
        Francisco. Francis, Bonsecour st    Quevillon, J. B., Commissioners st
        Geraldi, S., Jacques Cartier square.  Reilly, John, Water st.
        Gordon, Mrs., Tolentin st           Rodgers, William, 3 8 St Lawrence st.
        Graham, George, St  Mary st         Rodgers,  James, 37 Ste. Elizabeth st
        Hanley, John, Commissioners st      Rodgers, Peter, 4 St  Paul st.
        Hare, William, 2 Bonaventure st     Rosaire,  Dominique, 30 Bonaventure st
        Hayes, B., Water st                 Sabare, M., Jacques Cartier square.
        Hill, Garrett,  159 Craig st        Sadler, William, 81 Bonaventure st.
        Irish, H., Temperance house, IS St  Joseph et.  St Jean, David, Haymarket square.
        Irving, Mrs., St  Claude st         Steller,  Jacob,  corner  of St  Catherine  and  St.
        Johnson, George, corner of King and Common sts.  Constant pts.
        Kean, B., Common  st., Canal wharf.  Stewart,  Archibald, 6 St. Paul st
        Kell, William, Viger square, St Denis st  Timmony, Michael, 8 St. Mary st
        Kelly, Thomas, 211 Notre  Dame st   Tulley, John, 48£ St. Paul st.
        Kelly, Patrick, Haymarket square.   Turner,  John, 75 Commissioners st.
        Koester, George, St. Antoine st     Villeneuve,  O., St  Claude st.
        Leblaofy Germain,  Custom-house square.  White, Mrs., 61 St  Mary st
        Leblanc, Joseph, 84 Commissioners st  Wilson, Mrs., St  Giles st
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