Page 145 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 145

154                          MONTREAL.

         CHIEF  ENGINEER. FIRE  DEPARTMENT,  John  Perrigo, City Hall, Notre Dame st.
         CHIEF  OF POLICE,  Thomas M-Grath, Bonsecours Market.
         CITY  CLERK, J. P. Sexton, City Hall, Notre Dame st.
         CITY  BANK, F. Maculloch, cashier, Place  d'Armes.
         CITY  AND DISTRICT  SAVINGS  BANK, John  Collins, actuary, St. Francois Xavier st.
         CITY  SURVEYOR,  James A. B. McGill, City Hall, Notre Dame st.
         CITY  TREASURER, E. Demers, City Hall, Notre  Dame st.
         CLERKS  OF THE PEACE  AND CROWN,  Delisle and Brehaut,  Court-house.
         COLLECTOR  OF CUSTOMS, Tancrede  Bouthillier,  Custom-house.
         Collector of Canal  Tolls, Alfred  -Gough, opposite  basin No. 1 on Lachine  canal.
         Commander  of the Forces, Dalhousie  square.
         Commissary  General, 53 Notre Dame st.
         COMMERCIAL  BANK  of M. D., A. H. Campbell, cashier, 37 Great St. James st.
         Commissioner of Police, W. Errnatinger, Court-house.
         Commissioners for the Harbor of Montreal, J. T. Badgley, secretary,  Commissioners st.
         CORONERS  OF  THE DISTRICT, Jones and Coursol, St. Vincent st. and Champ de Marsst.
         Custom-house, Tancrede  Bouthillier, collector, St. Paul st.
         EMIGRANT  OFFICE, A. Conlan, agent, near  Canal basin.
         GAS  COMPANY, W. R. Falconer, manager,  Gabriel st.
         General  Hospital, Dorchester st.
         Geological Survey  Office, W. E. Logan,  10 Little St. James st.
         Harbour  Master, P. H. Morin, 65 Commissioners st.
         High  School of Montreal, H. A. Howe, rector,  Belmont st., Beaver  Hall.
         Hotel  Dieu  Hospital, St. Joseph  st., east of the French Cathedral.
         IMPERIAL  CUSTOMS, R. H. Hamilton, comptroller,  Commercial  Chambers, st. Paul st.
         INDIAN  DEPARTMENT,  Col. Napier,  old Government-house.
         Inspector of Hospitals, Dalhousie square.
         INSPECTION  OF POT AND PEARL  ASHES, E. M. Leprohon, John Dyde and J. E. Major,
             College st.
         LACHINE  RAILROAD, John  Farrow,  superintendent,  Bonaventure st.
         Ladies' Benevolent Institution, Mrs. Ford, matron,  92 Mountain st.
         Marriage Licenses, Arthur  Ross, agent, 3 Molson terrace.
         MAYOR  OF THE CITY,  Charles Wilson, City Hall, Notre Dame st.
         Mechanics' Institute, 46 Great St. James st.
         MERCANTILE  LIBRARY  ASSOCIATION, 33 Great St. James st.
         MERCHANTS'  EXCHANGE  READING  ROOM,  Odd Fellows' Hall, Great  St. James st.
         Military  Secretary, Dalhousie  square.
         MONTREAL  BUILDING  SOCIETY;, John T. Badgley, secretary,  67 Commissioners st.
         MONTREAL  INSURANCE  COMPANY, W. Murray,  manager, Insurance  Company's build-
             ings, Great St. James st.
         MONTREAL  JAIL,  Thomas M'Ginn, jailor, St. Mary st.
         MONTREAL  MINING  COMPANY,  H.  D.  Cockburn,  secretary,  Insurance  Company'*
             buildings, Great St. James st.
         MONTREAL  MUTUAL  FIRE  INSURANCE  COMPANY,  P.  L.  Letourneux,  secretary,  St.
             Fran§ois Xavier st.
         MONTREAL  TELEGRAPH  COMPANY, O. S. Wood, superintendent, Great St. James st.
         Natural  History  Society, 10 Little St. James st.
         Notarial Board, H. Lappare, secretary, St. Lawrence  hill.
         Ordnance Department,  Water st.
         POST  OFFICE, James Porteous, post-master,  15 Great St. James st.
         Protestant Orphan  Asylum, E. Cribb, St. Catherine st.
         PROTHONOTARY,  Monk,  Coffin  and Papineau,  Court-house.
         Quarter  Master General, Durham  Place, St. Louis st.
         REGISTRAR  OF THE COUNTY,  G. H. Ehyland;  Deputy  Registrar,  Leon  Doutre,  old
         REVENUE  INSPECTORS,  for Division  No. 1, D. S. Stuart,  for No. 2,  Philip  Durnford,
             74 Notre  Dame st.
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