Page 95 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 95
BUCHANAN, HARRIS & Co., general merchants, King st.
FERRIE, C. J., & Co., general merchants, Hughson st.
BIGELOW, A., importer and wholesale dealer in earthenware, china and glass, King st.
CUMMINGS, JAMES, & Co., importers of china, glass, crockery, paints, oils, turpentine,
• varnish, brushes, window glass, &c, wholesale and retail, King st.
BEASLEY, R. S., dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, provisions, fruits, 8cc, York st.
BENNER, R., & Co., importers of groceries, wines and liquors, five doors east of the Gore
Bank, King st.
FOSTER, THOMAS, coffee and spice merchant—factory, between Main and King sts.
GALBRAITH, D. B., wholesale and retail dealer in groceries, liquors and provisions,
crockery and wooden ware, &c, King st.
GIBBS, J. P., grocer and provision dealer, York st.
GRANT, ALEX., dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c, John st.-—cash paid for wheat.
GRAY, THOMAS, dealer in groceries, liquors, &e.,sign of the black and green teas, York s-t.
HARDIKER, RICHARD, wholesale grocer, King st.
IRVINE, H. & W., wholesale grocers, &c, King st.
KERR, W. G., wholesale grocer, King st. west.
MACDONALD, F. W., & Co., grocers, chequered store, Market square, York st.
MACKAY, BROTHER & Co., wholesale grocers and wine merchants, Kingst.
MATHIESON, J., &, Co., importers of groceries, corner King and John sts.
MCKILLOP, A. & A., grocers and provision dealers, James st.
MCLAREN, "W. P., wholesale grocer, King st.
MURPHY, T., importer and wholesale dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c, chequered
store, King st.
MURTON & DUFFIELD, grocers and provision dealers, York st.
OSBORNE, J., grocer and provision dealer, Victoria buildings, Jane st.
STEELE, T., wholesale and retail grocer, corner King and McNab sts.
STUART, D., grocer and provision dealer, corner John and Main sts.
THOMPSON, O., grocer and provision dealer, King st.
TURNER, JOHN & JAMES, wholesale and retail dealers in groceries, liquors, oils, &c,
King st., two doors from John st.
WILSON, T., grocer and provision dealer, and lumber merchant, King st. west.
YOUNG, J., jun., wholesale and retail grocer, and importer of wines and brandies, King st
Alexander, A., grocer, John st Harper, R., grocer, John st.
Campbell, R., grocer, John st. Harvey, J., grocer, York st
Egan, F., grocer, James st McDowell, S., grocer, King st.
Footner, W., & Co., grocers, King st Morrison, T., grocer, Jolm st
Grant, J., grocer, Tyburn st
O'Brien, H., John st. | Harris, Benjamin, Court-house square*
BELLHOUSE, IRELAND & Co., iron merchants and importers of British and American
hardware and manufacturers of cut nails, King st. See card, next page.
CARPENTER &, BLOORE, wholesale and retail dealers in Sheffield, Birmingham and Ameri-
can shelf and heavy hardware, sign of the mammoth axe, King st. See card, next page.
EVANS, BROTHERS & Co., importers of American and English hardware, wrought and
cut nails, King st.
JusoisT, RICHARD, & Co.,wholesale hardware merchants, the Hamilton Nail Works,King st.
M'GIVERN, EDWARD,wholesale and retail manufacturer and dealer in British and American
saddlery hardware, carriage trimmings,leather skirtings, &c, King st. See card, page 106.
MACNAB & Co., general hardware merchants, King st.
MYLES, J. & W., hardware merchants, King st.
RYAN, J. S., importer of hardware, bar iron, &c., &c, from the best markets of England
and the United States—country merchants are invited to call at 7, James st.