Page 47 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 47
ruxrcn.\t, ztn. st:snm. j, ',! .. . ,
The funem1 took plset ).pslerdsy! bhr at om of the .
ddliun Henry Nu
nlLernoM from hla late rrrldenra a1 I
Xeriplv. 01 Jtr. Ilobert n. Nesbltl. funilies in the Merivelc a.
one 01 the bsrt known and oldut .t his mddtnce here last r
farrne~d of the dl.trlet. who dtrd on I lowing a lenplhy lllnem Mr. A.
Salurdny IolIoalr~ a brlef~~llhr~s. wa. 11 yean of sgc. Allhough D-
Ucsidcs hlo aldoiv. he Is aurvlrrn .tntlmly unexpected. his dcalh occm-
by thrce aona, .\tes,rs. Jolln J.unva sIoned deep regret arnonn a wide
Thorn- Edwnrd n,rd Hor*ra Erneat / circh d friends there and In the
Sesb1:I; me dnugi!Ler. >Ira. >I. 3101. dirtrleb ~hcm he wu well-known
'Istt, ol OLlawa: nso ewe rialcrri. 3lra.r durd hh lile.lonp rlsidmcc at hferl-
N. Prilchnrd. 01 Dtinrohln. Ont.. end:
>Ira llabcll~ J~,hnnon. of Otlau'n.' vmk.
Bmn at Mcrlvmlc on Mnrch 4. 161.
>lr. Xeqbltt ma* In his i6Lh year qldl
xrn. born at >I~rivnle. He wad a1 Mr. Ne$bilt wru a son of thc 1.1~ Mr.
lmernbcr ol L. 0. L. 8:. fhe rnembera and Mn Robert NcsbitS and had
cnm#ed In farming for a number af
101 rhleh alccndeil tha tunerol ser-i
%lee, which wna he:d rt tho inn>l:y yearr A memhr ol Mcrivala Unllcd
rMlden~~ rnd all prlll~h nlP. J. Rob- Church, he look n kwn and nctivc
'naon. pas:nr or the >;mrnnnual Rc- Ilnkrest in .I1 parochial aIfalrS and
,formrJ E~imonal Charrh, o:lic!- ) h* dcalh wlll he deeply mourned bY
a1.d. rntcrmcnl \rm made in Lhe ! m hod of friend. in lht eonlrcRalion
In mddntlon lo hb widow. formrrly
fsrn!ly pla? In the Slecl~ale ==me-
8 teIy. am on^ those 'prerrent a! :lie IMb kvin. Lcmolnr. he lcrvrr lo
; funcca..ipeludc~ 3rr. J. Savnfr. ~ r f ,"",,", hi, ,irrt'l nnr , ' .'r5
isavan: ,Ur. and 3lrp Thoman.Jc*- G~drgc F~'~~,mrlvaI*
.\IT. .nn JIM. .~eorse RLvlrz-
ton. 31r. nni Urn. U. \vlla?n. md
31~. J. j~h~atcn...:~ of c-r~. 0~1.:
I. Ocorpe Clsrk. XmoUCks-
"'nnu01~~ . . . . 2
' ~ h f e u n t~ok ~ ~today [ro-,
his home in blerlvale, of Sfr. R n. :
Nebbltl, a llfe lomi: resicen1 of 1114
yerlw:s diztrlst. sho par-cca nx:ly '
late S1:urday night. P.ev. J. I:ob!n-
. .
son. aulor O: LP.+ !.ie;i;~l? Freby-
1er:=" ch!,rclt, ,>: lv?!ich 31:. S*S~YI:
saa 3 deyulcd mr::>:,cr, 2::' :?:,:d a:
the ~CTVICEJ. IIUT!II 100:: 111518 ::I ,
<he Cemr1er). rrt l.lrr!v.~lc. ,,
Whlle Mr. Scsllltt hill IIPLI:~ a!:-
'Ins Lor morn0 tlmc. 5.13 dr..~:ll cill,.c:
dlan.~ &hock LO hid nla!.:'
Irlmdl. - Ks wae In hls idlh y*,~?.
. ,- born & 3terlrzlo. ilvirt; l
hln UX0 He wad a prn:n-
=*&r ol the Uerlrala L.O.L. I
8;. abir'l ru 'a-%ely representd
'ar !:e 12c.a~ xr. SW51tr was a
'I~fr to rnoi;x ?\> lea, ace,i
Xr3. R e. 3roZ.~:: GI OLuna: threa
BODS, M; J. J. xi.-::: p: EIO~'S,
Back. MI. T. Z S. :':':. r: the Slerl-
V.I:* Rm<. ~7.1 ?Ion:.i ::s>:::
lb~l3,c; En: :=" :..?'"?s, \,:a. .,-,::c-:
1' x>..,:.::.4\-,:. a;.& k-e
1L J, Johaatox, of Orzaz.