Page 43 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 43
Amnng the mnos noral oEerllzr
rerelre.! by hr?r bereaved larnll?
were trlhutrr !ram lhn plnaacs ne-
parlmenl of which Jllsq bTa:.Vur.
ch). rraa a n~ll-knnwn mpmZ-,
5rrn.artnn 1;nllod rh!nrc.h. Iha Rr.4
rir~~ ('amp or rhn I . no4
Chlvr rnol~rner, rnrl i>lrsir,?r*
>In. IVILLI.*>I 11. >l.\cl:\ItL~~sE. rere ller mothrr. Jlrn. >f.a7gx:,+l
>larJqurrtty: n hot! i)r. Srll
11:. Wllliarn 11. hlacl.'ntl:tnr. well- l a i r ; anrl alr rlrler?. Mrs.
1.non.n dnlry 1:umrr "1 ~l~ri~elc, D. rt:,thrrr0,d. or ~fmwk.-h:m?,
nlenibrr or lonlc l.oclge, A. F. and I:. I Fr~s?~rlrk nnoth, th* ?.t!.*,.r
.\. 21. \\rribOrO, and [or mrny rears t:mma. Finra. Grarr. E~~ltn hllr-
a fnitllful rnembcr of hlerlvale >IU~C:IY <,[ rnt.,x a.
I'resbpierlno Church, dlccl on Tuts- -
day at hla rlsldenre, follorlng 8
r~~olr~clea Illne~. Mr. i\lacfi'arlane.
who wes 45 seara 01 asc. wax one
or 'lhc mo~t hlghls-respected mem- DEEP ESTEEM SHOWN
here ol rlre communllv In whirl, he
Ilad spent most 01 hla lllc and hir
rarlv dralh wlil ht.ln~ a #lcsj> rcnw
of,r,'rrronsl 1&4 lo his many lricnda FOR J, S, M'lllUHCHY
nirl acyurlntancos in rllc dletrict.
1'01 many 3c:llr he had bean rn- - -- lhn dnlry Iarmlnr bual- Many Attmd Obsequies of Estin:-
nrm 13" naa a eon or Lhe late Mr.
Jarnra Alaci"ar!ane. ; ab!e Young hlan.
Berlrlrs hk wUe. ho leaves to
~tlourt~ his loa: Lra none. Hruce.
ngcd lire years, and ivilhcn ngcC ao"n. .\SOY: ;G.? re:, ;Irirtnt :,,
lwa years; an Inla=: dnuqhr-r. tu ihe:r,
ear tbtlr :a :+L>I'CLS
.\lnrlan: hi, mo:her Zln;. Jnrner semd I . ~:.e prrcesrion
31scFailanr; 1 I S , IITS \V: ! IcI: his borne. CO J,TI+. c:-=E:, :!
H. i i i t 8 % ; 1lra. Fred, ! ?.:a o'cl",r; 1.r .u:crar:*?,, Prerl,.
Fhoesnlith, 2lcrlvalc: Mrs. James ' ! I-.:.-:.->. n.n.,r* a> 3F>.,-'z.
~ lane. 19 Oaalnglon avenue. and Mr.
P:unkctI. lllxhland laark: and Jllsl
)laud 2rarl'arlanr. 01 blerlvale, and
Lro brothers. 111. George Ji.%eF~r-
Robert , hraclParlane. :6
TI>.- run-r..l. wh:~h w:Il be or a
marnt>lc i,aturr n.ili ire ho:d st lna
o'clock frld.1~ nflCrll',On. Ilandalll
i ti. f his rraidPnce to Jleri-
var Cc.=-lTrr. . . , 2 ,+ I
wss .4. 3r.dtrncnr.
>Tan" lrlends paid n final and
I ~~~rrowin~ Irihule In the me10arg -..,:: xl:u.-zh,: c:? 7qther. llr.:
n: >llss i\nnsbelie ZlarJtorch:, at! Seii 1 - ' : : irrc:r%
1114 funeral held iron, her late 1 >I-* . D1V' vi.I.~rch,-. of Ton-"
nomr. 60 Jame? strrrt. Salurlla?, k*m. %=.Y: *. I,>>? ?:alll:*"a :.;-.
! alterooon to Slrrilr1,rlb Uollld ;
I'hurch. Re:.. F. 3. Jtil!lkcn cao- l
i du*led ibo servl~e and lnfrrmeol I
i war made at ,\ierlr~le cerncl~r?. j