Page 42 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 42
Thr ?oarriLl "f llr, P.:,u3:s 1>,1=. home
don ~.r..~?. .u.:r OL iir. iarrl-LI Lrr- UWIDD,
::& c;. :,,r,,+<n ,,v*n=c, Jr""d:c-?le. -
tnvi ,;n... :?l:. .,l~r'"o, at :n-o (3 nlr.
u'rio.k rra-11 her 1.i~ rr-!drnr= lo nud MIR. GCOIEO LOIIE. 01 F&llo~
>1<.7>V%',. C.,",P.?7\~. fir,.. J. A. ri~ld. Oul., I!) hl8 66th year.
~~~~.G!i~.b~r.s:, ErsU;ne l~x7hYterl.
n,, CL,:rch. rr?lrrr Vlr .Ir<r.>.a .'>I hln clrntlt ranla tho tlrst break 1
:. ronr,~nt nr?lbrr rr,duclrd lhr a ianllly 01 lo. Allhourll bo ,ha ,;! bnd
r~,:~.~l rcrrlre. ~tr.n?l' brl;a:ul not been 111 llle Imnl oi health h ~h lor
liar,,, b?,,.r!nzs Yere ,?crived .;>o*- I (..l"lP
!nz the ?#.:3 e%:ec;n In wh:c> UrS. .r~.lble,
L,.~I#* W", h.:&
)il.r. LW;.. d:r~ on saturdny ;:try rids.
3 I ! 0 : . she was IS !If<
burn er ilrrli3ic 10 ?pars rgo an6 'I1 wa.
ilrrd .: rv~oe~c~t the IPUC
'16 m01:bS. .ClllX-l\liE hEI her.
I~US~~~~,A. !-n.. >f.;sn. Gear.?
.rc,r..y1b L-s:ic. ~n.0 C=uih;rrr.
<!,a X,.*~'.. 1dn.t end .u3T;;,rh:c dl:
:,t 1,O.T". 3T.i .hr...3ro:t~:5,
\,1!".lrn. PZ;;?. nod 1:u'"crr +'ilp:c.!
. ..,
dam . .~.~
W,LL\X ,LoSG...-.-- ; i. Nes
rnll~ricg a a i the! .Il!t"Ol
,jea:h 0q:czrr.d rez!e:<a. of Ti!! c alst-
liam Lrr.~. re:l.krorn reriden1 oL hlerl*
~,;ira!e. Yr. Lo-a war 55 rears
of a=?.
Earn a! Fzli>z?s!:. !be sc> 0:
the :a!* Jlr. a:< >!r% G?gr=? Lrar.
he mored OI a ,a:r$ :o Jleri-
rale. K* ra. -c:;-k!cwn :?$
hcshlr : t\rl.;r'lacl :he
cour~r.riiec -=here th ~.lllirie.; nf
heart are m;:d cr:? Lln nail:
I Waa
=arm tri~s:r. lic Tar s semhpr deuce. A.rli<.z C?urrh s?.4 1.000
~..!?:rrd ro ct* L9 ?- So. JJ. Rev.
.,I the
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