Page 48 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 48

MRS. R  PE3WbKDEI.P                PASSES ON EVE                 /
                               Mrs.  6arh.r.  I. ~en&em.<w
                             of  Flobc1.t  J.  PenWald~"Ib hn                 62nd BIRTHDAY !
                             street,  aid at i loul   a
                             day.  fallowlnp  SR  Ill-   &..h
                             months.   khe  WM   hm-t.-X-p.            .Taiia  11.  Rlrinctr~b. 3  liir111ev  all
                             tolrnahlp 'nmrr  B@tuInk~6..~A          Ibis  lire  on  the  Prescott  III~II~v.L~~
                             ago,  and  cam.  to'#W         near  Otrasa,  dled  YPsterday  ;at  llis'
                              rhorlly after  b  ~  r  ;  ~  rn   .   ilollie  nfter  a  long lilne~~. 11.,,1  I!,.'
                             ago.   she  Ir  mr?ir.d-Wk:b            lir?d, he  ~vollld hnrr crlel~ratr~l ilisi
                              band and two e  b  l  l  d  m  ~  "  ~  6Znd  birthdny  tadn?.   nor"  on  IIIO'
                              11,  and  aSrnola.  .m;d   1G-I        IhomestEnd,  he  lived  theip  all  !,is\
                             I'cnsardan  Wr.   &'   .&'3             life.  He "83  n melnner of  3lcrivnlo
                             Salvrtlnn  Arms and mu-
                                                                     Unlted  Ch~rrrl~ and took  sn nrtl\e;
                                                                     Dart  In ti)? actlritirs  01 the con;l.,-.
                                                                     xaatlnn.   Hn nng  nlru  ;l  mentllrr  <.I
                                                                     \l~~i~ale L0.1. .. So.  S3.  Alti!i~,~=ir,
                                                                     Illi a  h~fII iltle~cst ill  ~>icllli,.j
                                                                     >h'ail.F.  Ihe  1lrlr.r   p,!roci~tafe,l  iz,  ;
                                                                     ivul,iic  lilc  01  nny  I.1nri.
                                                                       Sklrvivioz  rive  I,\*  \vi!~, 10~~1!!,~11y
                                                                     I   I  a   t  Sllilillll:  (.,I,   "114,  i
                                                                     Vnil.  livi:);   ~381  tlte  1'~c~s~oIt fll~l~.
                                                                     u;!~, and  k:.i~.I,  nt  lioni~: orlo'
                                                                    I         art-.  (:orrlon   u;s\.ld*.,a.(
                                                                               0ILna.a.  and  Frsemnn 1
                                                                     .'-1evi~a!-:  two  I~roLI~er~, Snrntan
                                                                     I      ,
                                                                     Rlvi~>ztun, Forr<t. Ont.:'al~d  ko
                                                                     c:<:g rs.  :,ti<q  l~:clr,   I<i\i\>Si~!,>. sew
                                                                     0   .  ;!!I,!  >I,". titorgs  IJown,  Far-
                                                                     C'i.  Ont.~
                                                                       .    .r.  II  '  :  p.,ill,r   at
                                                                     >l"li~,aln!,.,l  (;h,~rwI>.  ill VCIXI.
                                                                     ~lrtrt 2  funr,t.:tl   ;~,~.r,,o .(I.   tire
                                                                     I    .  .at  r.':'i  1,  nl  I  .  ,  illc
                                                                     r    !  I     lilr,  h i!ir,-  ill  ti'(,
                                                                     ,I'L  lr,,,A.   l!~l?:ln:nl.   u ill  lit,  III;C<IO
                                                                     LII  >l~vii~!lt! ~VG:III~?IC~V.
                                                                                                . .
                                                                    RIVIXGTOS - On Prldap.  hprll  13,
                                                                     1928.  BC hls resldsnc..  Frcscott kilgl:.
                                                                     WLY.  John  H.  P.lrlnEton.   ilEcCl  G2
                                                                     yehrs.   Fllncldl  rroln  nbore  nddrrcs
                                                                     on  Sunday.  Aprll  15.  at 2  Dm.  Srr-
                                                                    TIC? blerli'ale  rhtlrcil  at  245  p.m.
                                                                     1n:~rnlent in hlcrlvaie  ccmetcrs.   68,
                                                                     ..---        ~----  .  -,   .
                                                                    3TI:ll'AnT4n  Sunday.  Jnnuarg  11.
                                                                    . .L   her  rCli~~~~.~. strlltnron..
                                                                     ""..".de.   \V~~<IJ<.,O ,ror8,>.-ry  n1  t;,:y
                                                                     YIWL  >ta:1n   IIO~~. beloved  wr.
                                                                     1,:  Itobirt   I  .  .  In  llrr  Glri:
                                                                    7acnr.   Vunrnl  an  Turq4ar.  J:,n.
                                                                      uarr  Is.  .L   ?   p.m.  1.1   \ l ~ ~ ~ l ~ m t ~
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