Page 50 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 50
*- funeral of Mrs Lena 8tln- WELL KNOWN FARBER
who dled tt (ler';enldPncu on *
11;11- a~enbe on Septombrr 21.
held on Tbursda).. seplai%bcr
fromher nld home a1 CI11
. A larg, n~lrnber of frlcnda
relatlvea rnrn proaant.
4. Bllnaan xaa born st Cllrton ~oJn Stinson. &ed7~, Survived
61. H.Y.. In 1881, the dalIKh-
I (ha late 'Ir. and Mrl. Sanlucl
In 187; aha aaa marrled 'I
'In Sllnann. who dled on Jnnu.
. 1925. She pqased the groatcr
sf her Hfa In Cil, Vlea.
4 rhlef n'?ornPr# were lan Carlcton
[ten. Mrs. 7. W. Ooyr-. of
>emler. Oat.. and Nrr. \V. J.
of Beachburs. Onl; and on0
'aaeph. of >llnnc.pcllr. Mtnn. throushout the county. .lo --( h@
ilso icasca one mlslcr, >Ira., death will be ~enernllp~re8'ratIsd..~
> Cuoosll. of oat s*n Illeao.,
lhrec brglher*. Ccorc?. or Although born a1 Buntlry, OD-
k. N.Y.. .F.\muel. of Illachea., tario, hlrcstlnaon aDenc Dracllcally
. Y.. and rhsrlra. of Clilton , his whola We in tb. qLF1nlt)- 01 01-
taaa, Then four gcara of hr 3
'I' ! I "t lltn hrnlso x,, ;i~o~ed Ki:h his parenLLI, hlr. and
<~ILI~IIICLP~I 110~. !V, A, Dr~Imr~rl. Alre. .%ml~cI Srlnrron, lo a farm at
ipnrtnr nl llnll!nlly ilnll.~~I Cherrh. Bel!'a Corner& ~or.'man~ scars he
and Rmv, Ilnh-rl btejiaa, Of CII! reslded.lhcreAuntl1 I n81 hc look
VIFW Unilrrl Cl!~lrch: un farming aC-Clty.%cpFI ~o mar-
T:IC pmllhf!;,rcra wcrn hrr rlcd 3ILW Helena Debt, e( Camdon.
n~p1ieu.m. llrrbcrl Stlllaon. Itna'srll I Sew Sork. ~ho aurvlvee hb. ,:
Stlnson. Samuel Stlnnnn, IlOhrrt 1 OLhcr aur%?vors aretwo daugh-
Stln~on nltd Jnsenh Stlnson, nnd ti i (616. XrS. Thomaa Bayca Winchcs-
grandson. J. R. Doyo.. Interincut icer: Xrs. WGer Boree. Beech-
was n~ntle in tho famlly ulut a1 hairs: one '0% Jeeepb Stlnsaq qf
nterlvale cemetery. I iXtnneapo:ir; a e air:er. Mrs. Sam
,Shut~1. Jlznitoha; ODC
r ! I . Joseph Suneon. San-
I 3i.~nl:aba wan). nrphen-s.
dls!ant rc!allvcs
a1 City TIC=, ~Ie~lv~le
11~ ma. . ,msmbcr of &tf View
Prcsbstcrlan .Chmmh.,+nd the fun-
.cral scrvlm . Is . conducted
'ssturdd).. by the pastor. acr.
. .
- .- ~~ -~ .- -~ )J. RO~~DSOD. The nmice at the
. .- . ~. ~
4 - Ou!tlhr? t?, 1"!1 a: home wlll be held at tao. o'clock.
h i c l 1 : I\;.'an land a1 2.30 he funeral -111 proceed
Hanry i3r!nson, rire,! 4s :.~:trs. 1.1.' rtn alerlvolc kerneterr. ahere inlrr-
-r.1 Xrlna;; UL!O~PC at 10 imcnt wlll taka place.
mr. l 3lsrlvale cemerors. . . ~