Page 44 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 44

                                                                      James S.  hlcMurchy  Had  Enjoy-1
                                                                             ed  Wide  Esteem.      !
                                                                      dr<.i, manse  at  loa,  among  ilim  nlsns i
                                                                        h  doath  which  \rIII  accaslan  n
                             r  :  :       Pr-lh::ic+an   Tcn-
                             E.'   cab.  -ma:=   fn.=  1:s   1c:e:-
                                                                      rr:enila  ll>rao~hout the  cltY  occurred
                                                                      RL a  local  hnspitnl  yesterday  !n  the
                                                                      ~crson or  Mr.  Jarnr.  Samuel  Mc-
                                                                      >l:xrchy,  60 .lame3  streel.  Nr.  Me-
                                                                      >~U~.EII~, w~. In  h!a  10th  sear.
                                                                      8rxa  barn  nnll  ellucnled  In  Ottawa.
                                                                      Ire  en!ercd  tjle  acrvlce  of  the  Ot-
                                                                      17.i~ branch  of  the  Inleinalional
                                                                      ll.:r$r!cr   Con<pn?y  lmmedialeiy
                                                                      a1:nr  le~vlny rchool.  and  was  alth
                                                                      lhxt  nrm  up  to  the  Urn4   of  blr
                                                                      d-lr:l.   I[;:   was  the  elzer:  son  o!
                                                                      .  ..,.  13%  alr.  Ju!nn  .\lc>lurehy  and
                                                                      XIIS.  Jlargir*:  ~UcAIurch~. of   60
                                                                      Jartie3  6:r~el.
                                                                        Mr.  .\lclIur?hy war  a  member  of
                                                                      Stcirnrron   Frcshrtcrlnn   '  Chvieh
                                                                      from  his  boj'irood,  and  took  nn
                                                                     I      p   I   :he  many  phases  a!
                                                                     1  rile  ehtrch'a  actlvllies.  The Sunday
                                                                      Sc!laal  pnrllculnrly elxlmell  much of
                                                                      his  tlmc  and  intereat.  and  he  held
                                                                         p-si:ion  of  llbrarlan  la the Sun.
                                                                      ,'as Srhml  !or  a  conrlderable  Umc.
                                                                      li,~ n-29  n:;o  vice-prerjden:  of  (he
                                                               l',.nlll=  C!uh.  In 11:s  vark
                                                                      :I\  the  cht~i-ch I).   Tor  brougt,t  inlo
                                                                      intarnnlo  iiirnclatlon  with   a  large
                                                                     .nu:llbcr,  nll  of  whom  came  to  haid
                                                                     i hlnl  In  the  hlgheat  regard  and
                                                                     lest*~nl.  .'II.:PIu   a  DrlnCe
                                                                          ,. 5.''   Rev.  Wealtlr  xagpW,
                                                                      pastor  01  S:e=arton-  Pr"bgt..tall
                                                                      Church.  "courleoun  nnd. kindly  to
                             . ..-  - ~~.. --  .                      :ne  h:;h.:s:   de.-ree,  acd  a  thorough
                             ~><>,~~~,:~r-A: !-:..>:5>,1*:   'n       ;e.l::~,li.ln."
                              TI"r,h-I).,  sor.?Lf:   !.   5.!.!-.      .Amor.i:  his  fe:low  employes at  the
                              J a.2<s  a=,=+:. :.I:.. xac.            Inler~ltional liarvcrler  Cornpnr.y.
                               Fazr  >:a>Yzr<>r .~d :>.?  late  xr.
                               . .        i.  Jlli?.  stre?,  on      I  ?  .  AI  .\IT. 31~Murchy.a Illnos
                              J<,.   >,*cYzT;'r.   I7  ti, >"in   ?<.l.   hn  also  enjoyed  a  rern;.rlublo   pop-
                               vuncr&,  i-m
                                                8,  t.!i.  TI".
                               ,., s:eW=::-?   p:~73?1<:!3,  ,.z>:c5.   laan  of  very  sharl  durallon.  hla
                                                                     i den:h  came  as a Ereat aha*,  to  Lh.,
                               s<7y:.e  L?  xz.   C!:G:;~ *L  :  >m.   many ah0 knew hlm.
                               ,.1.--+.,   .i   YIr.\.:C  ceT*:*n.
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