Page 39 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 39
~ b hodr of ivm. B. r;err:san o!
Be:levllle an emp:o.ur of the Cnn-
ndlxn Satlonal Ralirnr who di-,I
o: i~juries receloed in the eolllalnn
MRS. Q. A UOPPER . " 1: J1ai:or;ton-n ~rrired In the ci'?
Ons of lh* oldssl r=.mldonts of the last ! 2.1 I nr.4 ra? :akrr
Cavnty of Carlolon pew4 LWSY *I lo tile hon;c n: 31:. Jnhn Crrrr.
\re::~%ie. Rij:;.ll ~vill he nlxda 18'
'Jlrrlvale, on Thursnay. In the per- : arr. r:rper ,was an *,'.'
son of Mrs. Eilrabeth Ilonper, rellct Ir1er.d of the idrid !,!an, havih;.
:~r aeorpm C. Hopper. Ehe war hcen hls first empiorer when 3lr.
.horn a1 Perth. Ont.. In IBJ?. :he h'qrrlsan flrs1 came to thla cncslr?
sams year. ago. helorc he ontereli
:he servlce el the Carad:~n Sa-
:!<,a81 nai:~&~~.
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FUNERAL OF >I&% JA>IES. -*--.- ' '-
wilh mrny friends in r~tlendmrr. . , - .
otc funeral of Mn. Ham Jatnri who . .. , I: !. . ,:. ;! ' L'. a",
,]in+ on Th~hrlrr3rY at a lacll ho.pl1.l.
wrr hcld ?ertcr,las .rf!rrnoon from the
I,rmc el her pnrrnlr, Mr. and 31- J.
1'. Bayr~. 112 Carnbricl&c sUd.
alrrivale ecm*lrl-j. Th- ~mirr
C~III~IIC~?~ 11 :he ]home of Rrc. Jabrlrs
I',,li.rrs~t~, minirlrr of Wcslr! Un'td