Page 37 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 37

                              DIES  IN 76th YEAR
                                     --                             "       ,,-
                           hlrm.  Gsrrh  Czml~lr. rl.lovr   of       ~~'(ha admncrh ago  ot 96  year..
                         Wllll~m Camblr.  and   n  11lc-Ions       Mr..   Chrhlopher  arnr.  formarly
                         resldent  of  tho  Townrblp  of  Kc-      .ULN  Harrlel Keenag dlad  Y-erday
                          Dean,  parrcd  are). a1 hrr  ihornh  nt
                          Rrillnnia  Dsy  ~~~s;crday. hlrs.        on thm  homeslaad  ~t  HerIrala  where
                          Gamble raw  sell Lonnn In  the rii+      she  hod  .pro;  dl her  mrrrled  Ula
                          trlrt  nnd   hnd  n  =Id.   rlrrls  of   She  was   born  on  Lh*  Blobmood
                          frloncs.   Sha  a.3~ born  In  3lr:rl-   rosd.  then  bclns known  U put of!
                          ralr,  ~6  years  ~EO.     01
                                          the  ~IRUKI~~I.~
                          the  late  >1r.  no,l  hlrs.  John Ilei!r~.   UY Town.  She  ru pmdlnuad  by'
                          L7vn hrr   a       to   \:llinm          her  hudband  br 24  rear&  Ta.  fu-  /
                          Cnrnlllt?  rhe  r--~lc?r.d nt  TWI~I ~!m.   neml  will  take  plac.  Sunday  aflsr-;
                          b'~1 for  thr  la*(  ::.  SEILT.   L!::)   noon  at  two   o'clock  to  Xerlralel
                          I:::?   a.  I..I.S.~;~,  II,,.~  I,,,:  ,.....   ceme!err.   >Its.  Orrer  lr  aurvir'ed
                              "Cd'LL"'"'   h<,   ygq,,
                                                                   by  llva  son".  \Vllllam.  Goorre  and
                            >nr  15 sttrvlrrd  b\'  ll,rrn  dnilrll-   John.  of C!ly  View:  Tom.  at  Par1
                          Icrs.  Nlr. 1'. hl.  Sniltb,  of  Otllr\a:   \\'l:ll'lm.   and  John.  at  horn-:   flva
                          blr?.  Il~~t~~rt  ol  ?4ut~1rt-al,       daushtora.  %Ira.  Annl*   Bserq  at
                          I   I    Vim  ,\ndr,!.v.r.   c,f         >ra.wey.  Ont.:  .Ura  IIuch  E:alr,  of
                          Itrll's  Curnrrs: flre  mn5. Johll,  of   n!ac&hurn. Onl.:  Ura  1  71%  Brad-
                          \V\.r~tl)~,(>; Thnrnnr, emnlowd  \viII1   ley,  or  ilnzrlclaan;  hln.b&  Find-
                          lhc  CJ!lnnn  Da!r?:  Akx,  of  Br!l-    lay,  or  >lnnnr!rk,  an4  Ha Phllllp
                          nnnln:  \\'llliam,  of 3llsalsn  Cll?.  IJ.   stnpIc,larn.  of Cilv  Vlar;  a  *Infer.
                          c . nnd  1:dcard.  of  Pal!"   lI?:~~ll.   JI~. hrary  Ca!nrelL  af  Al*
                          Yiorlrln:  la  rlrlers,  blrs.  ?.I.  ST!-   and  s brothlr, btr.  Thamrr IioeMn.
                          l:l,l, nf  >!~rl~alc. a?fl  blrs.  AII,P:L
                          1):1ria.n11, on  the  ?.!arch  roll. :c?lil                     -
                          fFrf.,- !~T"!~PT'.  GcOTFe and  Th,,lll,ls     Late  Fr,>r!;iici.  i;xL.:,
                          I.,;   <..   ,.!  \ld:iv5:,.   F,se   .!a!r:,,<
                          r,.yco   ' 'ri  . '..
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