Page 34 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 34

-urrlulng  her  arc  her  huhb~nd;
                                                                           chlldrcn.  Laura  and   John
                                                                         rke:  her  parenla,  alr.  and  tlra.
                                                                         qert  Clarke,  of  OtLa\va:   three
                                                                         :here.  Slmnlry  Flelds.  r  firenran
                                                                         So.  11 fire  ~1atIon. II~rolll Fleldl
                                                                         ! Oacll  Filelds,  all 01  Ottawa:  and
                                                                         n.   .laten.   8  .  R. Gable  and
                                                                         a.  Jack Todd,  of OtIaw*.4 and Mrs.
                                                                         .d  Prlmer.  of  BuKalo.   Willlam
                                                                         rh.  ol  Oltnr?.  Is  a  brothar-In-
                                                                         -ho  funeral will be heid an Sztur-
                                                                           sftemnon  st  2.30  o'cl~ck lrom
                                                                          hama  af  .Urs.  Gable.  445  Ccm.
                                                                         10.   stre~t.  Inlerrnenl  wIIl  ba
                             I  'IHS, LlVl CL/II~KE                      .la  In Llerlrale  cemetery.   -

                                STKICHEN SUDDENLY


                                      Smiths  Falls.

                                      ~   ~   .  ~-   ~~
                              0spiM1 on Tuesday  sllcr  an il:n-at
                              f  ylrly  a  fe'.v hour..   arr1v.d   In th'!
                              IY yeslerdnY  alternoon  and  Is now1
                              :.lie   horn.   of  h.r  slsler.  Mrs.  R  I
                              ible.  445  i'zmbilrlge  atrret.
                                                       hlrs  I
                              br.s  was <he wile  uC Lsrl Clnricr,
                              I Snnlthr  YII:..   lormcrly  ol Jlrt.l.
                              I!",  and  dal8phLer  of Air.  and &Ire.
                              .n\,ert  Ffol~ls of  thla  rlly.
                               Mrs.  Clarke.  who  war  36  year*
                              ' axe,  died  5erv  eudden;~.  Wlnlle
                              i-lr~ns at  hrr-  11onre  ai  SI~I~II~
                              111s  an Tur4a.y  rnornlng,  llle nal
                              Ired  hy  au  Internal  hemorrheps
                              ult  10  o'clock.   She  wa?l  alone
                               the  houlc  at  the  tlnlc  .<  marl.
                              (rslng by  i  I  tho  street  helore  ihv
                              ,"a*,  heard  hnr  nlonnr, an4  rnlnr-
                              r  the  ho~aa dlxorar..d   llqr  lslnl!
                               ro.v  a  be!  In an
                              s  nlrnmaned  medlcal ~lri and  ilr-.
                               ~rka ;rns  rcmlvcd  to  the  hovpI~11.
                               rere  abe.d4cd about  nlns  o'clock
                              ierday  erenin~.
                               >he WAS  wldcly  known  In Srnllhr
                               'I*.  where  her  11Ushanrl condllctcd
                               lalry  buslraaa.  and  her  unlllaely
                               ,I  trsglo  death  rruasd  alncers  rF-
                              ,-t  both  In  Smlths  ).'all*  and 01.
                               "a.  where  ahe  resldcd  far  nlan:ri
                               is.  She  %.  ba  a  member  sf Clrclr!
                               01  Brnltha,  Fnlla   Pre3bytcrlanI
                               urch  Iadlrl  Ald.         I
                               Vr8.  Clark,  n-ns  horn  In  Ottaan
                               I lived  here  until  ahc  moved  to
                               ,Ithm  Fall.   three  ycara  rgn.   She
                               1rrI~d 117.  1'1li.k~ 14  years  ago.
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