Page 60 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 60

Plot  $663                                       Plot  #668
               ---                          ~1-                 2.  Dean
               J.  Hinds
               John  Oswald  Hinds         ,1878-1936           bhalter  Zrnest  Dean              1891-1967
                 wife,                                           wife,  Lila  Veryl  Carss  1890-1957
                 Bessie  Houseman           1885-1956           Noble  Dean                             -1939

               Plot  #663                                       Flot  #669
               --                           s$                  !i. 3unt
               C.  ReynoOs

               Charles  Reynolds            1941 @  78          3lsie Hünt
               Mrs.Charles  Reynolds  1864-1947                 John  Vesley  Eunt
                                                                biinnie  Hunt
                                                                Anna  Mary  Lunt
               Flot  #664
               A.  Bethune
                                                                Plot  #C70
               Earl  Bethune                1901-1960
               Lillian  Bethune             1878-1937
               Angus  Eethune               1873-1947           August  Meyer                      1865-1942
                                                                 wife,  Louis3  M.Streich  1867-1936
                                                                Lester  Meyer                      1900-1968
               Plot  #665                                       George  Xeyer                      1897-1971
               S.  I.lo~e                   NI;                 Charles  Xeyer                     1939 @  76
               Samuel  George  Hope         1945 @  81
                 viif e,                                        Plot  #671
                 Ann  Jane  Campbell  1939 @  70                ---
                                                                J.  Kewla
               dau.,  Iva  C.  Brown  1904-1974
                                                                John  Kewiey
                                                                John  H.  Kewley
               Plot  #665
               J.  Briscoe                  S&

               Mrs.  Doyle                        -1940
               Grandson  Briçcoe                  -1948
               Daisy  F.  Kennedy           1898-1967           Archibald  iYcNab
                 wife,  John  Briscoe  1889-1967                Laura  Hawley  McNab

               Plot  #666                                       Donald  A.  IVicNab
               H.  iiihyte

               Gertrude  May  Farks  1889-1939                  Plot  #673
                 wife  of                                       G.  Badham
                 Berbert  H.  Yihyte
               Baby  Whyte                                      George  R.  Badham                 1849-1940
               Urs.  'vùaite                                     wife,  Margaret  Stewart  1857-1939

               Plot  Ji667                                      Jennie  Badham                     1878-1944
               ----                                              wife,  C.  Thoms
                A.  Thomlison
                Allan  bh.  Shomlison  1908-1956                Harvey  W.  Otto                   1886-1944
                 wife,  Froda  Berndt  1906-                     wife,  Jessie  Badham             1882-1959
                Son  Thomlison                   -1939
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