Page 65 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 65
plot #722 Plot if728
J. art Fi. Woermke ~4
James Hart 1891-1942 Earold R. liioermke 1909-
Barbara Iiar t 19 53 wife, Frances ?/.Hawkins 1912-
Plot. #723 Plot #729
- - -----
J. '.jatson
John Watson -1945 Ethel F. Mathew - 1944
Mrs. John jiatson -1948 wife of 'iiilliam Shaw 1881-1960
D. Fi. !it:tson -1949
Mrs. D. H. Latson -1956
Stardey iratson -1953
Grnest J. Aniss 1884-1976
wife, Eva 3untington 1886-1963
Plot. #724 Baby Aniss . . -1936
R. F~hillivs
Wilhelmina Munro 1896-
Roland J. Phillips 1896-1963 wife of
wif'e, Archibald S. Broome 1891-1954
Irene C. Carswell 1904-
Her:rg' Sutton 1960 0 63
Flot #731
J. S. Pritchard
Plot; $725
------ J. Samuel Pritchard 18.83-1951
H. Snith
wif e, ?jIyrtle Meredith 1890-
Henry G. Smith 1856-1942 Galvin Pritchard 1923-1948
wif'e, Bessie Pritchard 1921-1966
Elizabeth Smith 1856-1934
Alfred G. Smith 1885-1968
Plot #y32
-- N&
A. Joyce
Plo;; #726
R. J. Bethune Albert H. Joyce 1891-1964
nife, Elsie kl, Walter 1894-
Robert J. Bethune 1887-1961 Eleanor Joyce 1915
wiie, Bessie Greer 1897-1969 Eric Joyce 1922
Janet Isobel Bethune -1937 Albert Joyce 1922
Plot #727 Plot #732
-- ---- ST
T. Iveson
R. Jtihn
Richard Jah-n 1882-1972 Thomas H. Iveson -1971
wijle, Martha Yuck 1884-1964 wife, Pluriel Eva Baldwin
Ivan George Jahn 1918-1941 1679-1956
Desnond S. Iveson 1903-1956
plot ;:728
Delsher ~4
Herrnan Eelsher
Dari ene E. Belsher 1920-1942