Page 56 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 56
Plot #618 Zary A. Dunlop
J. Holbein wife of
i.villian G. 3eattie
Anna Bell Cameron 1919 @ 25
wife, James E. Holbein
Katherine Constance Barbour, Plot #624
-1960 H. Scheel
Melvin Siilliam Yolbein
Yerman Scheel
wif e,
Piot #619 Au~usta Louise Scheel
C. Loock
Albert G. Loock 1857-1737
wife, Plot $625
Augusta L. Streich 1858-1908 H. L,eitch
Charles Loock -1974
Annie Stielow -1962 Ilenry Leitch
Baby Loock -1942 wife, Annie Senry
Baby Leitch?
Plot #620
Geo. Stxl-
Baby Russell -1920
(dau. of Fred Russell) Helen Pd. MacKay
wife of A. S. Thoms
Benjamin Corneiius Styles,
wife,Gertrude Mackey, l?OO Plot #627
Dora Styles 1922-1976 C. Cutts
Samuel h. Cutts
plot #621 Catherine Cutts
------ Mrs. K. Goldike
E. Deiner
Edward Deiner 1859-1933
wif e, Plot #627
Uary Ellen Staigh 1866-1929 R. Carpenter,
Robert A. Carpenter
plot #622 tvife, i.lary A, Ellis
A. liagenbla ss
Adam Nagenblass 1954 @ 88 Plot #628
wif e,
Louise Schlievert 1960 @ 82
Martin A.!ragenblass 1928 @ 13 Ferdinand R~idtaan
Fred Henry l'dagenblass 1901- wife, Zmma 1. Ristow
Xoward RedtniĆ¢n
Plot K623
- Piot #629
W. G. ~eattie
Jeanette Duff Beattie, Hartwick
. -
wife of Johnston 'VI. llorrow Andrevd Hartwick
Mrs. aartwick
Fred Hartwick