Page 63 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 63

Plot  #697                                      Plot  $704
                                                               --- ---- -
               0,   Schubrink                                  R.  Vincent

               Willian  Schubrink           1863-1936          R.  if.  Vincent
                wi i'e ,                                         wife,  Emily  Clippa
                Anislia  Dorothy  Speaker,
                                                    . -
               Elizzbeth  L.  Schubrink,                      Flot  #705
                                            1892-1952         L.  Stavenow
               Mery  P.  Schubrink         1886-1952
               Alfred  A.  Schubrink  1897-1976               Leonard  C.  Stavenow
                                                              Stella  Stavenow
                                                              Amei  Stavenow
               Plot; $698                                     Bertha  Stavenow
               1. Tarvis

               Mrs.  Irene  Jarvis                            Flot  #705
               Mari-an F.  Jarvis           1921-1934         W.  Sales                           Sz
               Gernrd  ~arvis               1873-1933
                                                              Walter  N.  Sales                   1885-1965
                                                               wife,  Lena  Scheel                1882-1947

                                                              Plot  #706
               James  McKie                      -1971        E. A.  Stavenow                 See  #705,427
                wife,  Mary  Campbell            -1937
                                                              Amel  H.  Stavenow                  1883-1959
                                                               wife,  Bertha  A.  Boese           1884-1969
               Plot.  #700
                                                              Flot  #707
               Eerry  James  Sripp          1873-1940         --  -----
                                                              M.  Armsden
                E.  Lila  Meredith          1882-1968
               MereClith  Tripp             1910-1961
                                                              ~udrey L.  ~ilmour                  1-943-1951
                                                              Fredrick  G.  Armsden              .1876-1933
               Plct;  #701
               E.  .  Code
                                                              Plot  #708
               Bertha  E. Willis            1878-1942         .  lialdron
                wife  of  Edward  G.  Code
               Winnifred  Willis                              William  l~iagenblass               1973 @  66
                                                               wif e,            Storie
                                                              William  S.  bvaldron                     -1937
               Plot  &'O2
               R.  v!atson
                                                              Plot  #709
               Ralpti  Watson                    -1951        RLG~SLELX
               Alice  'Yiatson                   -1963
                                                              Robert  Gordon  Story               1896-1965
               Plot  #703                                      wife,  Ethel  May  Meir            1901-
               P.  Robertson
                                                              Donald  I$.    Story                1937
               Petsr  Robertson           ..  .
               Peter p.  Robertson
               Mrs.  Arthur: Se.ward. :
                      ,...  .
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