Page 64 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 64

Plot  #710                                      Plot  #716
               -----                                            Li.:----   Pïiller
                C.  Henderson

                Clifford  Henderson                             Iiugh  Ldwin  hyiller             1875-1953
               Robin  Clifford  Henderson  -1941                  wife,  idary  Graham  Clarke,
                                                                3dna  Beryl  !;:iller             1912-1934
                Plot  #711
                C.  Scheel
                                                                Plct #717
                Clifford  Scheel                                -----                            ~JJ.
                                                                 1.  Jahn
               Wayne  Scheel
                                                                August  Jann                      1880-1939
                                                                  wife,  Bertha  Weiland          1880-
                Plot  #712
                E.  Schlievert
                                                                Flot  #717
                Baby  Schleivert                    -1942       J.  Neuman                        si!
                Baby  Schleivert                   -1943
                Elmer  Schleivert                               John  A.R.     Neunan             1872-1939
                                                                  wife,  Lena  Klemptz            1874-1960
                                                                Sylvester  Edward  Neuman                1936
                Plot  $713
                J.  Whjt~
                                                                Plot  #718
                                                                C.  Noir
                John  Whyte                   1878-1942         -----
                 wife.Martha  Stevens  1877-1952
                ~rchibald G.  Whyte           1953 @  43        Christina  Itoir
                Arch  Whyte                          1950
                                                                James  Forbes                     1886-1965
                                                                  wife,  Agnes  White  Moir  1892-1963
                Plot  #714                                      James  Graydon  Forbes            1923-1937
               -                              N&
                J.  T.  Ne-

               Mary  Ann  Neil                1853-1944         Plot  #719
                                                                A.  Cald.wel1
                 wife  of  B.  Hodgins                          -------
                James  Thos  Neil             1859-1949
                                                                Acthony  Caldwell                 1866-1946
                                                                  wife,  Marion  C.Fraser  1874-1942
                Plot  #714
               Rzdl-                          s21               Donald  C.  Caldwell
                                                                  wife,  Margaret  G.Lillie            -1970
                illargaret  Crow              1863-1935
                 wife  of  Richard  W.  Gee
                                                                Plot  ti720
                                                                T.  I4cClure
                Plot  #715
                -                                               '!dm.   Thomas  McLure            1892-1967
                J.  Taylor
                                                                  wife,  Emily  Caldwell  1905-
                Thomas  Taylor                1860-1929
                 wif e,
                 Catherine  J.  Cameron 1876-1962               Plot  #721
                Jas Taylor  Jr.                                  S.  R.  Brooker
                                                                 Sidney  R.  Brooker              1878-1964
                                                                  wif e,Mabel  Fd.Strickland  1878-1942
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