Page 59 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 59

Plot  #651                                       Plot  $1656
                                                                     Runt z
                Il.  Pepper                                      JI---
                Peter  KacIntyre             1894-197i           John  Id.  Runtz                 1881-1961
                 aile,                                            wife,  Louisa  A.Schee1  1885-1947
                 Jessie  Elizabeth  Pepper,
                Artk~iur Harry  Pepper  1863-1920                Plot  8657
                                      . .
                 wi Le,                                          J.  samilton
                 EL sabe th :iIcNab          1862-1934
                                                                 Joseph  L.  Hamilton             1857-1532
                                                                 i,~Trs. Jennie  Hamilton               -1965
                Flot  +652
                J.  C:raig-
                --.  . -- - -
                                                                 P:.ot  #658
                                                                 i~n. Prensler
                                                                 ,.illiam A.  Prensler            1857-1434
                Is;~Sella  Moorehouse  1868-19511                 wife,  Rosancah  Sellers  1860-1957
                Jacics  A.  Craig  .         1552-1932           Charles  Prensler                1881-1956
                                                                 H.  E.  Steve  Frensler          1898-1565
                                                                  >wife, Elanche  Desormia
                Plot  #653
                Fi.  C. PJcDonald
                                                                 Flot  #659
                Elien  Lovve  LicDonald  1880-1972               G.  Ot~les
                Robert  Orr  I~~cDonald 1867-1950
                 wiL'e,  Jane  Lowe          1868-1942           George  Styles                   1872-1939
                                                                 Mrs.  Gec  Styles                      -1943

                P    .  #654
                J. C. Irvine                                      lot #66û
                                                                 --- - --
                                                                 G.  h.  Gillies
                1)J"lvrtle Iqioffat                -1961
                 wife  of  Clarence  Irvine,                     George  >I.  Giilies             1880-1933
                                             1899-1972            wife,  Mabel  C.  Kearns              -1960
                2)%ife, Sadie  Irvine  1919-
                                                                 ZIarry  S.  Kearns                1882-1948
                Loreen  Anetta  Irvine  1530-                     wife,  Mary  Gladys  Barr             -1977
                John  Kenneth  Irvine  1933-1936

                                                                 Plot  #661
                                                                 W. Arnûtt

                                                                 billian  L.  Arnott              1677-1961
                                                                  wife,  Sarah  Jane  Milfcrd
                    -  ~,
                  ôertha  Charlotte  Ilalpenny ,                                                   1882-1958
                                                                 Flot  #662
                Flc,t #656                                       - --- - --
                                                                 A.  Sadhsni
                AI,  Sinmons  '                s
                                                                 Harvey  Badham                   1921-1933
                Ad-  Price                   1887-1944           Arthur  C.  Radham               1896-1905
                  wife,  Ralph  Sirrimons .                       iiif e, Iva  ?B.IJIacFarlane  1900-
                                             i87'j-1938          Cialter  Badham                          1943
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64