Page 137 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 137
Regimental Districts as at the
vice (W.0.6911-16,
time the Regiments were re-
626-64 1)
These terminate about 1877.
designed by their district rather
than their number, a practice
Marriage and children of soldiers
that had been out out of use
may be found in : Lists, except
for the previous skty years
for Regiments in India where
(about 1820-1880). In 1880 the
they generally appear at the
beginning. They only exist from
Regiments numbered 1-25 con-
sisted of two battalions, those
about 1868. Certain Regimental
Registers of their chiidren are
bearing nurnbers higher than 25
consisted of one battalion. At
preserved at the General Regis-
this time, when the territorial
ter Office, Somerset House,
Strand, W.C.2.
many of the regiments consist-
ing of one battalion were amal-
Rccruits: The entry of a recruit
gamated to form Regimeols of
in the Musters generally states
two battalions. Thus the 84th
his age and where he joined,
Foot becarne the 2nd battalion
but does not give bis birthplace.
of the York and Lancaster
Regiment (formerly the 65th
Foot). The numbers of the
Monthly Returns
When the unit in which a man
Regiment's Districts correspond
served is not known, but a place
with the Eormer numbers of the
and date are given, the Regi-
Regiments; but where Regi-
ments were amalgamated, the
ments stationed at that place
number which the new second
can be found from monthly
Returns (W.0.17 and, froin
fonnerIy bore is
1859 W.0.73)
dropped. Thus there is a 65th
Regimental District but no 84th
-1872 Up to about 1872
Regimental District. The Regi-
these are generally bound in
ments with which Regiments
were amalgamated are given in
with the other Musters of the
Regirnents at home. If they are
the list of Musters (W.0.16).
not there look at the end of
Vol. 2 of the (W.0,12) List
A few Militia soldiers qualified
depot of the Regiment can be
for pensions during the French
Revolutionary and Napoleonic
found from Hart's Army Lists. Milifia Records re-introduced.
(1 873- 1880) Musrers of Brigade Wars. Discharge Certificates
Depots (~.0.12/10216-10335. showing place of éirth and age
W.0.16/2177-2283) covering on enlistment will be found in
the period 1873-1880 are only the class Soldiers Docurnenrs
for infantry. (W.0.97/1091-1108).
N.B. : The number of the Bri- Militia Attestation Papers from
gade Depot does not corres- 1860-1914 (W.0.96/ 1-1522
pond with the number of the show place and date of birth,
Regiment. The number of a employer etc.
Regirnent'sBrigade Depot shoiild
be found, in the Army Lists. South African War 1899-1 902
(188b1888) Brigade Depots British Auxiliary Forces (i) City
were succeeded in 1880 by Imperia1 Volunteers. Certain