Page 139 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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part  in  the  Battle  of  Waterloo,  vince.  Full  delails  of  the  procedure
                                with  biographical  notes.
                                                                can  be  found  in  ' Abstract  of
                              E. DweUy : Waterloo Muster  Rolls  Arrangements  respecting  Registra-
                                - Cavafry Lists  of  N.C.O's  and  tion of  Births, Marriages and Deaths
                                men  who  took  part.  DwelIy  did  in  the  United  Kingdom  and  other
                                not  Jive  long enough  to  complete  countries  of  the  British  Common-
                                the  Infantry  Muster  RoIls.
                                                                wealth  of  Nations  and  in  the  Irish
                                                                           (published  by  H.M.
                              J.  Kane:  List  of  Oficers,  Royal  Republic'
                                Artillery,  1716-1899.
                                                                Stationery  Office),  however,  the
                              T. W.  T.  Condly : List  of  Oficers  foiiowing sbould  be  noted :
                                Royal  Engineers,  1660-1898.
                              Johnston : Roll  of  Army  Medical
                                                                  Alberta.  The  Regisrers  dating
                                Services  1727-1 898.
                                                                from  1885  are  with  the  Deputy
                              Lt.-Col.  M.  E.  S.  Laws:  Bartery
                                                                Registrar  General.  Bureau  of  Vital
                                Records  of  the  Royal  Artillery,
                                                                Statistics,  Edmonton.
                                There  are  also  various  Histories
                                                                  British Columbia. 1s divided  into
                              of Individual Regiments. References
                                                                seventy-three  registration  areas  and
                              to Military operations and personnel
                                                                al1  records  emanating  from  these
                              will be found in Adrniralty, Colonial
                                                                areas  are  sent  to  the  Director  of
                              Office,  Foreign  Office  and  Home
                              Office  Records.
                                                                ings,  Victoria,  British  Colurnbja.
                                                                Compulsory regisiration cornmenced
                              British  Solomon  Islands  -  No
                                                                in  1872 but there are many churches
                              records exist before  1893, but infor-
                                                                which have their own records dating
                              mation  regarding  Births,  Marriages
                                                                from  1836. Indians  are not  subject
                              and  Deaths  may  be  obtained  from
                                                                to  the  normal  registration  but  are
                              the  Registrar,  Births,  Deaths  and
                                                                covered  by  eighteen Indian  Agents.
                              Marriages,  Suva,  Fiji.
                                                                  Manitoba.  Cornpleted  registers
                              Brunei  - The  Registrar  of  Births
                                                                dating from  1882 are deposited with
                              and  Deaths  and  the  Registrar  of
                                                                the  Division  of  Vital  Statistics,
                              Marriages hold  completed  registers.
                                                                Department  of  Health  and  Public
                              These go back  in  the case of  births
                                                                Welfare.  327  Legislative  Building,
                              and deaths to  1922 and for Moslem
                                                                Winnipeg, Manitoba. A few records
                              marriages  to  1913.  There  was  no
                                                                are  held  in  many  churches  dating
                              registration  for other denominations
                                                                back  some sixty years earlier.
                              prior  to  1948.                  Vital  Statistics,  Parliament  Build-
                                                                  New  Brunswick.  Early  records
                                                                prior to  1920 are held  by the Secre-
                                                                taries  of  the  County  Boards  of
                                                                Health.  Since  1920  when  compul-
                                             C                  sory registration cornmenced records
                                                                are  deposited  wilh  the  Registrar
                                                                General  of  Vital  Statistics, Province
                               anadian  Res=&     - The  Vital  of  New  Brunswick,  Department  of
                              Statistics Act of  each particular pro-   Health~ Fredericton, N.B.
                              vince  is  generally  the  authority
                              governing the registration  of  births,   Newfoundland.  CiviI  registration
                               marriages  and  deaths  of  that  pro-  commenced  in  1891.  Prior  to  that
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