Page 134 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 134

Barbados - Records  of  births com-  Registers.  It  is  not  fully  complete
                             menced  in  1890, -deaths in  1924. In  but  when  one  realises  that  by  1937
                             some  cases  registration  is  carried  it  was estimared  that  the index con-
                             out  by  the  rectors  of  parishes  or  tained  over  three and a  half  million
                             police magisirates, the remaiilder by  names,  omissions are not surprising.
                             the  Registrar. Registers  of  baptism,
                             marriage  and  burial  go  back  to  as  British  Guiana - Cornpleted  regis-
                             early  as  1631 but  prior  to  1826 the  ters  of  births  and  deaths from  1869
                             information  is limired to the person  and  marriages from  1903 are avail-
                             baptised,  married  or  buried.
                                                               able  from  the  Registrar  General,
                             Bankters - Of  those  who  achieve
                             ' silk'  in  England  al1  are  admitted
                                                               British  Honduras  -  Registers  of
                             through  one  of  the  four  Inns  of
                                                               births  and  deaths  from  1885  and
                             Court,  namely  Lincolns  Inn.  The
                                                               marriages  from  1881  are  with  the
                             Middle  Temple, The  Inner  Temple
                                                               Registrar  General,  Belize.
                             and  Grays Inn. Al1  the Inns except
                                                               British  Milibry  Records  -
                                    Temple  have
                             admission  registers.  h the  case  of
                                                                 INTRODUCTION. the  Civil
                             the  Inner Temple it  is  necessary to
                                                               War,  1642-49, tllere was no Regular
                             write  to  the  librarian  for  informa-
                                                               Standing  Army  in  England.  Regi-
                                                               occasions  and  requirements  and
                             Bermuda  - The Registrar  General,
                                                               were  usually  known  by  the  narnes
                             Hamilton,  has  the  completed  regis-
                                                               of  the  Colonel  who  raised  them. Of
                             ters back to 1866. Before civil regis-
                                                               systematic records of  such regiments
                             tration  began,  church  records  of
                                                               there  are  none.  References  to  mili-
                             baptisms, weddings and burials were
                                                               tary  operations,  and  sometimes  to
                             kept,  some dating back  to  the  17th
                                                               individual  officers and  soldiers, may
                                                               be found  in ' State Papers. Domestic
                                                               and  Foreign ',  in  the  ' Exchequer
                             Ilisbop's  Traoscripts - In  1597  the
                                                               and Audit Office Accounts ', and  in
                             Province of Canterbury decreed tl-iat
                                                               the  Privy  Council  Registers.  It
                             copies of  Parish Registers should be
                                                               would,  however,  be  exceptional  to
                             sent to the Registrar of  each diocese
                                                               find  any  reference  in  these  sources
                             at  Easter  tirne.  These  returns  are
                                                               to  the birth-place,  wiFe  or family  of
                             particularly  valuable  where  the
                                                               any  individual.  ' State  Papers,
                             original  registers  have  disappeared
                                                               Domestic'  include  a  few  widows'
                             or  when  seeking  information  with   ments  were  raised  to  meet  special
                             regard  to  birth,  rnarriage  or  death   petitions,
                             in any  one of  a  number  of  Parishes   For  the  period  of  the  Civil  War
                             within  the same  locality.       and  ~ommonweath the  officers  of
                                                               both  armies,  with  their  regiments,
                             Botswana - No information is avail-  are  listed  in  ' The  Army  Lisis  oj
                             able  wiih  regard  to  the  supervision  Roundheads  and  Cavaliers',  by
                             of  records  in  this State.      Edward  Peacock  (1865),  and  for
                                                               Parliamentary  troops  much  derailed
                             Boyd's  Marriage Index - An  index  information  will  be  found  in  The
                             available at the Society of  Genealo-  Regimental  Hisrory  of  Cromwell's
                             gists  which  lists  the  various  mar-  Army  by  Sir  Charles  Firth  and
                             riages  which  have  taken  place  in  Godfrey  Davies  (1940).  If  further
                             England during the period of  Parish  information  is  required  various
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