Page 142 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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                                                                 Indians.  Registration  for  Indians
                             time records were held  by  individual
                              registering officers. All records since  is  carried  out on  a  similar basis  in
                              1891 are with the Registrar General,  each  provi.nce. She  Indian  Agents
                              Department  of  Health  and  WeIfare,  are Civil Servants and act as District
                                                               Registrars  of  births,  marriages  and
                              St. Johns,  Newfoundland.
                                                               deaths  and  fomard  their  original
                                Nova Scotia. It is not known when  registrations  to the Director of Vital
                              civil  registration  became  compul-  Statistics  in  each  province  where
                              sory  but  a11  inquiries  should  be  they  are  rctained  separately  from
                              addressed  to  the  Registrar  General  other  records.
                              of  Nova  Scotia.
                                                               Cayman  Islands.  No  records  are
                                                               available  prior  to  1886  when  civil
                                Ontario. Many church records go
                                                               registration  began.  Inquiries  should
                              back to  1812.  The civil records date
                                                               be  made  to  the  Registrar  General
                              from  1869  and  are  avaiIable  from
                              The  Registrar  General  of  Ontario,
                                                               Censns - A  com~lete record  of  the
                                                               population  taken  as  a'  a  s~ecific
                                prince  ~
                                                               date. Tlie  census  is  held  every  ten
                              date  from  1906  and  are  available
                                                               yearS excePt  during Ihe  War  years
                              from  ne Registrar  Genera],  Vital
                                                               of  1941,  commencing  in  1801.
                                                                          census  of  value  to  the
                              Statistics  Branch,  Department  of
                              Health  and  WeIfare Charlottetown,
                                                               Genealogist  is  that of  1841 which is
                              Prince  Edward  Island.
                                                               available  for  research  purposes  at
                                                               the Public Record  Office (q.~.).
                                Quebec.  Du~licate registers  Xe
                                                                     Returns of the ansus taken
                                        b~ each of  the  principal
                                                               on 30th Mar&,  1851, which are aIso
                              denominational churches. One  copy
                                                                   far  as  concerns  ~
                              must be sent  to  the prothonotary of
                                                               WaIesl  among  the  H~~~  office
                                                               Records in the Public ~~~~~d offifice
                              the Superior Court of  the District  in
                              which  the  registers  are kept.  Regis-
                                                               m.0.107),  full  names,  exact
                                  go  back  to  as early as  1617.
                                                               ages,  the relationship of  each  rnem-
                                                               ber  of  a  household  to  its head, and
                                Smkatchauan.  Civil  registration  the  sex,  occupatjon and  Pari&  and
                              began  in  1879 pri0r  to  whicli  there
                                                               County  of  Birth  of  ,=a&  person
                              are no records of anY sort. Inquiries
                                                               enumerated.  The  same  information
                              may be sent to the Division  of  Vital
                                                               is  also  given  in  the  Returns  of the
                              Statistics,  Department  of  Public  Census  taken  on 7th  April,  1861   ~  l  ~  ~      d
                              Health,  Regina,  Saskatchewan.   which  are (so far  as concerns  Eng-
                                                               land  and Wales) among the Records
                                Yukon.  Registers  dating  €rom  of the General Register Office in the
                              1898  are  maintained  by  the  Regis-  Public  Record  Office (R.G.9).
                              trar  of  Vital  Statistics,  Adrninistra-
                              tion  Building, Dawson, Y.T.     Census  Returns  of  1841,  1851 and
                                                               1861 - The Census Returns of  1841,
                                Northwest  Terriiories. The  regis-  1851 and  1861 for addresses in Eng-
                              ters.  which  date from  1870, are kept  land  and Wales are preserved in the
                              by  the  Registrar  General  of  Vital  Public  Record  Office,  where  they
                              Statistics  Bureau  of  Northwest  Ter-  may be  inspected without charge by
                             ritories  and  Yukon  Mairs, Ottawa.  the  holders  of  Readers'  Tickets.
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