Page 133 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 133
following addresses accordiag to the of a passenger to Australia. The
appropriate state :
reason for this is that, particularly
New South Wales :
shipped a disappointing son to
The Honorary Secretary,
Australia, also many people who
Society of Australian GeneaIogists, could not make good at home
History House,
decided to try their luck in a new
8 Young Street,
country and in many cases immi-
grants wished to cut themselves
N.S.W. 2000
completely adrift from their old ties,
For rhis reason many changed tlieir
Queensland :
names on landing in Australia.
The Archivist,
the various
Commonwealth Archives Office,
Parishes in the early days left a lot
Canon Hill,
to be desired and many details are
rnissing. Early graveyards have been
Queensland 4000
neglected and though headstones
exist many are cornpletely illegible.
South Australia :
For those wishing to obtain
The Principal Librarian,
amateur assistance or advice a letter
Public Library of South Australia,
to the:
Archives Department.
North Terrace,
Honorary Secretary,
Society of Australian GeneaIogists.
S.A. 5000
Nisrory House,
8 Young Street,
Tasmania :
State Librarian,
N.S.W. 2000
State Library of Tasmania,
will always produce a helpful and
Archives Section,
informative reply.
9 1 Murray Street,
Those who wisli to retain the
services of a professional genealo-
Tas. 7000
gist in Australia, application should
be made to:
Victoria :
The State Librarian,
Heraldry Enterprises,
State Library of Victoria,
Suite 2, 513 Toorak Road,
Archives Division,
304-324 Swanston Street, in the early days. many families
Melbourne, Vic. 3142
Vic. 3000
Western Australia :
The State Librarian. B
The J. S. Battye Library,
State Library of Western Australia,
3 Francis Street, Bahanlas - Records date back to
Perth, 1851 for births, 1850 for deaths and
W.A. 6000 to 1799 in the case of marriages.
Application should be made to
In some cases it may be foiind the Registrar General, Nassau,
that al1 trace is lost after the arriva1 Bahamas.