Page 136 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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possible  to  discover  his  regirnent  men  discharged  or  dead,  his  trade,
                              from  the Station  Returns (W.0.17),  and  his  date  of  enlistment.  Before
                              which  show  where  particular  regi-  1883  this  sometimes  provides  the
                              ments  were  stationed  during  any  only means of  discovering the birth-
                              particular year. Once his regirnent is  place  of  a  man  not  discharged  to
                              known,  the  best  sources for  tracing  pension.  By  tracing  him  back
                              a soldier's  record  are as follows:
                                                   Documents  be  possible  to  find  his  age  shown
                              (W.0.97). These date back  to  1756-  on the day of  enlistment as a recruit.
                                                                 N.B.:  Few  W.O. classes  quoted
                              Among  other  service  records  they
                              contain the ' Discharge Certificates '.
                                                                 above are in thenselves complete.
                              Up to  the year  1883 the Certificates
                                                                 The periods of  time to which they
                              of  soldiers  ' discharged  to  pension '
                                                                 refer  can  only  be  ascertained  by
                              were kept  separately from those dis-
                                                                 reference to  the  lists and  indexes
                                                                 of  War  Office classes.
                              charged  for  other  reasons,  such  as
                                                                 Birth-places  of  soldiers  may  be
                              ' lirnitcd  engagements '  or  ' dis-
                              charges  by  purchase'.  After  1883  found  in  the  following  series  in
                              al1  discharge  certificates  are  pre-  War  Office classes,
                              served  in  one  group.  The  records
                                                                 Descripfion  Boolcs  (W.0.251266-
                              of  soldiers who  died  whilst  serving,
                              and thus  never  received discharge
                                                                   Royal  Artillery,  Royal  Engi-
                                                                   neers  (W.0.54/260-316);  W.0.
                              certificates, together  with  those who
                              were  not  pensioned,  were  accident-
                                                                   Royal Irish  Artillery  1756-1774
                              ally  destroyed  by  fire  many  years
                                                                   (W.0.69 1620)
                                                                 Depot  Description  Books  (W.O.
                                Al1  discharge  certificates,  except
                                                                   671 1-34)
                              for  a few of  the earliest,  record  the
                              place  of  the  soldier's  birth  and  his
                                                                 Casualty  Reirtrns  (W.0.2511359-
                              age on  the date of  enlistrnent. After
                                                                   2410.  3251-3472.  Ind:  7860-
                              1883, details of  the next-of-kin, wife
                                                                   Royal  Artillery,  Royal  Engi-
                              and children are sometirnes given.
                                Pay Lists and Muster Rolls. These
                                                                   neers  (W.0.54/317-337)
                              form  an  extremely  comprehensive
                                                                 Chelsea  Hospiral  Pension  Regis-
                                                                   fers  From  1715  (W.0.116/
                              series dating from 1760 and are ver-
                                                                   1 - 151: W.0.117/1 - 70; W.O.
                              useful  for  establisIiing the  dates  of
                              a soldier's  enlistment, and his move-
                                                                   Foreign  Regiments  (W.0.1221
                              rnents throughout  the world. and of
                              his  discharge  or  deatIi.  They  are   through  the  Musrer  Books  it  may
                              arranged  by  regiments  in  volumes,   Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dub-
                              each covering a period of  12 months.   lin - Pemion Regislers
                              There  are  separate  classes  dealing   (W.O.i18/1-43;  W.O.I19/1-70)
                              with  Royal  Artillery  (W.0.10).   Reg~ilar Soldiers Documents, from
                              Royal  Engineers  (W.O.11) Cavalry.   about  1760  to  1900  (W.0.971
                              Guards and  Line  Regiments  (W.O.   1-4231)
                              12),  and  Yeomanry,  MiIitia  and   Before  1883  the  documents
                              Volunteers  (W.0.13).                refer to pensioners  only. Others
                                In many of  these volumes a form   which  were  kept  separately  -
                              showing ' Men becoming Non-Effec-    were  eventuaiiy  destroyed  by
                              tive'  will  be  found  at  the  end  of   Eire.
                              each  quarter.  Where  this  exists.  it
                              should  show  the  birth-place  of  the   Royal  Artillery  Records  of Ser-
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