Page 94 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 94
29-Principales religions de la population du Canada, par provinces, 1951
29-Principal Religions of the Population of Canada, by Provinces, 1951
tot~lc'té- Aulros
PROVINCES - Catholique Anglicane Eiliee-Unie Juive rir')lloe re1ip;iont:l
Toial - - - -
Population Roman Anglican Unit..d Jowloh Prooby· OU,er
Catholic Church l.<lrian reliaions
361,415 121,514 109,090 85,571 2M 1.014 43.0n
98,420 140.802 6,119 25.9110 2ô 13,3S'1 8. laO
642,684 217,078 117,602 141,152 2,201 42,4.22 121 ,2:J~
515,607 260,742 roo,S47 71. 870 1,260 13.li23 108,0:,7
4,055.681 3,663,951 166.761 129,210 82,701 80,410 02,039
4,507,5'12 1,HZ,I·10 936,002 1.320.366 85.467 439.072 574,405
776,541 156,283 IZO,690 224.55-1 10,282 34,686 221,046
831,728 100.424 %.476 247,34.1 3,017 33,210 2,,3,176
939,501 186,312 IZZ.OSO 276,551 4 ,(-j~r) M.OO·\ 2'.1'\ .028
1,165,210 168.016 315,469 3H,OH .'!.GUIl 07.li31 Z:lfl,681
0.000 1,M5 3,420 1,660 1~ 713 1,·lf.5
16,0!}1 6,459 7,264 1,091 i 379 800
CAN A.DA ..••..••.•.• 14,008,428 6,068,496 2,080,720 2,867,271 204,&16 781,747 2,025,359
JO-Population de la province de Québec c\nuifiée selon la religion, 1901-1951
30-Population of the Province of Quebec classified accordlng to Relillion, 1901-1951
RELIGIONS 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1051
Advenl,ial.<la........ ..................... 3,070 2.435 1,020 1.174 062 662
AngliCAno...................•............ 81.0aO 103.812 121,71;3 140.8-1:1 102,056 166.701
Armée du 8,.lu1..................•....... 2(J2 510 Ml! I,t:iri 1,0{)2 1,32,5
BlIPtiotœ...................•. 8,483 9,2118 Qt~r~û J(),9,O 1~,3()a 12.060
C..tholiques.............. .... , ........... 1.429,200 1,7~·1,6\l3 2.02:1,UI>3 2,4 (;3. ll.iO 2,B!l4,621 3,503.051
Congr6i"tionl\list~,8. . ......... ........... Il.173 5,197 4,715 (1)
Greee ortllùdoxes...........•............. 8,9U2 ... ù',i:14.0 iùài
E~li Unie" ....... ............ (1)88,253 10n,IU"1 129.211i
Juil•............................. , .•.. i,~08 30,208 47,7tli1 5~1,730 6.i,GS:j 82,701
Luthérien•..........•....... ............. I,O<t2 Z,GIU 2,20lj b.2(1] 7,081 0,3UO
Mothodjol.<lB..............•.. .. , ..... 4Z,OH 42,MII 41,072 (0
Prcsbyt6riollB .......•... .... ............. 58.013 64.132 73,747 (1)50,1l32 . .. '5'(I,Oe6 ".5ô;'iio
Prot~stant.s..... ................. 6,211 8,031 14,147 11,279 41~28
Antres secte•............ .......... , ...... 4.881 8,Mf> 12,1144 10,058 13,137 . "21 :iii'
Non .pécifiéOA. , ..... ................ 1.7012 3,497 6.595 2,,132 2,397 3.000
TOTAl....... .., .......... 1,648,898 2.DOS.nS 2.360,666 2.874,662 3,311,882 4,055,681
(1) Le. Jlléth,)dlsl~.ollos eonllTél(/llionAlistee, avee un (l) hlolhodisls and COoltTollutionulisto ond Il lorgo
~r"n,j no",bre de prOllbytéricn , ont rom 6 l'ggliso Uul. numuer 01 Preobyterian" lormec! lhe Unilod Church 01
du Cur",,]a. en 11l2.i. ..""da, ln 1026.
31-Proportion des principales religions, province de Québec, 1901-1951
JI-Proportion of the Principal Religions, Province of Quebec, 1901-1951
IlELIGIONS 1001 1911 1921 1031 1041 1051
Catboliqu ............................ 868 !l60 867 867 Bail 879
~~ff~i:an~i~:," :~ ::~ ::.:::.:::::::::~ :::::: ...... 36· .... "32' .......!Ji' 112 49 41
Presbyt6rions. . .. . ..........•....•.... :11 \7 12
Méthodistes........... , . ........... 20 21 18 .......... ..... ":iù'
Jull•........... , ......... f> 15 20 21 20
Autres r 1i~iUUî:L . 18 20 22 18 15 16
TOTAL ... ........... . ........... 1.000 1.000 1.000 i,OOO 1,000 1,000
Source: Ne'U'l)i~me,.ectm"cm nt du Oatlada, Vul. 1. Source: NiT1f" Ctn,,,, of Canada, Vol. 1.