Page 95 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 95
Les dl.ff6fents tonnes usités sous Cl;ltte rubri- The v!LIious terms used under this hoading
que d(1sigJ]ont l'état mn.tdJllOnja,l de I!L populllr Terer ta tho matrilnoni!L1 statUA of the popult\o-
tion à Ill. d!Lte du rooensomont. D!Lns la pro- tion at the time of thC\ cen~ue. On the nrat
vinl'<l de Québec. !Lu 101' juill 1951, les colibar of JULIe, 1951, of th\) persons fC\siding in the
tAires étaient au nombre dl;) 2,291,682 ou Province of Quebec, 2,29L,662 Of .'iG.4% were
56.4r;~ dos personnes ree nsél~s: il convient do single. It must be taken inta !\.Ccount, how-
rnlllarquef cepend!Lnt que la popul!Ltioll de evnr, that the popu!n.tion undeT 15 yoars of
moins de 15 ans s'élevait li. 1,365,108, soit age wae 1,366,108, tbllt is 33.6% of the total
33.6% do la population totale et 59.6% des populatiou and 59.6% of the unmarried popu-
personnos non mari6es. Co groupe se oompo- lation. This group comprised 695,864 boys
~it de 6U5,864 glLTcons ot 670,244 illies. and 670,244 girls.
32-État civil de la population du Canada, par provincu, 1951
32-ConJull'pl Condition of the Population of Canada, by Province., 1951
En v~vng·1
C6lib_ntaircsl Mnri6. Divorcée
Sinsl. Marri Widowed Divorced
1 1
Terro-Nouve NewfouDdland . 361.41<1 207 .622 138,422 15.303 60
lIo·du-P.-E. P. E. 1. . 98.429 54 .084 39,047 6,213 86
Nouv.·Eco88e Nova SCotia . 642.684 339.361 268.828 33,268 1.127
N.-Brun8wick . 515,607 2&1.36!i 200 .053 22,358 921
Québeo . 4.066.681 2.2n1.662 1.603,030 157,696 2,693
Onlorio..............•..•................ 4.597.&12 2.I(H.448 2.239.1117 241,043 12,434
Manitoba . 77<1.541 375.671 362, 9 35.842 2.139
Sa.knlchewnD . 831.728 423.'129 373,306 33.465 1.521l
AlborLa . 939.601 400.012 430.200 36.121 3.2ti8
CololUbie-Brit Brjli~h Colunlhi . 1,165.210 508,668 686.773 62.139 7.630
Yukon . 9,006 4,n33 3.8<14 254 65
Tcrr. du N.-O ....•... N.-W. Terr . 16,004 9,350 5.071) 646 38
CA""""'",,,,, . 7,on,sos 6,261,571 31,998
Terre-Neuve.......... NowlmLDdland ........ 185.143 110,983 69,148 4,9H 38
lIo-du-P.-E........... P. l'. 1. ............. /i0,218 20.186 10.302 1.508 42
NoUV.·.EcOfl86......... No\'a l~kotia.......... 32'1.955 181.1811 133,909 9,384 470
N.-Drul\lIwick............................. 260,211 148.192 1()o1.047 6,503 379
Québec.................................. 2.022,127 l,16!1.3'11 802.256 '19.602 1,028
Ontario.................................. 2.314.170 1,120,99<1 1,12'1.'137 63.071 4,70<1
M,"'ltab.................................. 304,818 201,936 181.1117 10.445 820
Snako! howu.n... " .... ................... 434,568 235.589 187,457 10.811 711
Albert·n.................... 492.192 262,4&0 216,781 11.428 1,533
Colombi -Dril........ British ·c~i~~,i;i;.::::: 59<1,0<11 278,758 297.462 17.50'~ 3,249
Yukou.......................... 6,467 3.197 2.00{l 119 42
Tcrr. du N.-O ........ N.-W. Torr. 9.063 0,595 3.160 268 31
CA.NAOA..... .......... 7,088,173 3,7(7,.09 3,lU,7li( 186,696 13,115
Terre-Neuv•.......... Now.louadltlnd........ 1 176.273 96.<139 69,274 10.~29 31
ne-du-P.-E........... P. E. 1. ............. 48.211 24,81l8 lQ,A,jO 3.615 43
NOllV.-EcoMe......... Nova 8ootia.......... 317,629 15 ,176 134.\)10 23,B94 651
N.-Brunswick...................... 256.48<1 136,173 105,006 l6.7115 542
Qu~boo...... 2,033.554 1.122,321 801,374 108,194 1.665
Ontario......... 2,283.372 08.1,452 1,116,180 177.072 7,668
Munit,obn... ,_, ............ 381,723 173.735 181,272 2r, ,397 1,311l
SMkntahownn. 307.160 187.840 185.848 22.654 818
AILerla.............. .................... 4,17,309 207,462 21~ ,410 2~.603 1.735
Colombie-Brit........ Briti.h Columbia..... M8.24\J 229,1l10 28!1.321 14.1137 4,381
yukon................................... 3.639 1,736 1.7-15 135 23
Torr. du N.-O ........ N.-W. Terr. <I.llôl 3,755 2.811 378 7
C"N,UIA........ .. , ........ 6,920,6" 3,325,0" 3,UI,1U 456,761 18,813
Sourco: N.u.,(Ams rCCfJnlff",~nl au Canadn, Vol. 1. Souree: Ninlh C.n.... of Canada, Vol. [,