Page 474 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 474


        9~Principales statistiques des Manufactures par reglons économiques, province
                                 de Québec, 1950. (Fin).
        9-Prlncipal StatisticlI of the Manufacturing Indu8tries by Economic Region8,
                           Province of Quebec, 1950. (Concludcd).

                                      Valour brut. d.   Slllaires
               RÊGIONS ET COMTl1:S     hl. product"ion  ct gagos    Employés
                                                  %              '~          %
             REGIONS AND COUNTll!:8     Gro88 Value     Salaries    Employees
                                       of Pradu tioa   [I,od wages
                                           $              li          No.
        TnOlIl-R1VII.Oll8 ....          292,561,835  7.06  60,952,271  6.97  23,260  6.96
        BerUller...................•.......•.........  8.793.436  1. \)44 .001  1,300
        Chfllnplain - Laviolott       .  82,051.077    1<1,2:">7.78.3  7,1 n
        M".kiIlOO~é........  . ..•.........  14,212.114  ~.8It;,()84   1.ü72
        Nicolot     " ..........•....•.........  8,53U ,1):11  1,331.734  1.0Ofi
        St·Maunce.................•................  173 ,3G8, 277  30,UOI.7O'J  12.028
        Sun ure MONT1UilAL-8oUTU 0\1' MONTlH1AL •• '"  .  71,717,271  1.71  16,080,585  1.89  7,186  1.84
        Doou.hrunoia  .                  r,:l, S;17. 180  13,279.453  5.750
        ChtLter"up;ullY...•...•          ·1 ,\I~I:J.2H   785,013        450
        Doux-Montagn«•...                ~, IIi? .'1.0(;  334.058       250
        [Iunl-Ïogdon....                 10. ?:lO. '\3ô  1.681.Hi!      721
        Nonu l>E ~10N'l'lléAL-Nofl'"ru 0 ... MONTRI:J,-\'f...  2,363,832,845  57.06  515,887,OD4  60.6D  225,899  57.90
        He_Island. Mootrénl  and Jé."s. . . . .  . .. 2,286 ,(j\3. 604  497.380. \lOO  211i .:lfll
        .Jolietw                         22.1)43,1~2    iUl71,o\ 18    2,798
        L'A omption........              Il ,62t,001    1.933.4:\5     1,070
        Mont<:ulrll.... .                2.0:10.'107     392.589        3(13
        8011lu"gNl........ ........•. .........•.  680,901  71. 2(\6     6r.
        Torrobonne....•......... ,. . . .• . . . . . . .  3i' .817.578  10.680,llü  5.970
        VÙ\ldro\lU. . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . • . • . . . . • .  1, il tO. 232  3<12,274  273
        OC1'.o\OUAJ8 •... ,             148,06',288  3.57  28,185,728  1.11  12,3'4  1.18
        Argeotouil ...............•........•..........  2•. 1i54.1116  ,;,50Ii,On  2,818
        G"tinoo\l-ffull  '"  '"          !J1 •07n, 21;8  16,488,(;13   0.U14
        Lnbelle     ,            .       6.360.81;6      940,941        7Hl
        Papineau                    .    22,703.fi7t    4.603.273      1.8(\(\
        Pont.iac ..................•.........•.....  3,301.:177  non, 28  :ISO

        ArH'I'lBl-Tt:r.nt:Jc"Af)UNOUE ......••••.•..•....  88,466,762  2.14  8,608,400  1.01  1,783  0.97
        Abitibl.                      .  Il.472,4(18    2.01 7.!l08    l,487
        l'éo'.lLBCl\loio(tUe...............•.•..•••........  76,98-1.294  6.15n,oIll2  2,29U

        SAGIIKNAY •.•.••.•..••••••••.•..•.••••.•• ' •..  272,445,262  6.58  16,399,182  4.28  13,395  3.43
        Chorlevoix  ,         ,       .  7,546.850      1,408,318       (i1.1'7
        Chicoutimi      .               188,900,Cill   21;,128,527     8.\l~8
        Lao-St-Jolio - Roberval.    .    51,'170,4 li   6,666.616      2.774\lenuy .....•....••...•.•..•.•..•.•..•..  24,o\UI,oI06  3, 13~. n2  1.000
   469   470   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479