Page 45 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 45


              7-ÉlectionB généraleB de l'ÀBBemblée légiBlative de la province, 1867-1952.
            7-General ElectionB to the LelliBlative ÀB8embly of the Province, 1867-1952.
                                            Élcd"lura insorit.!!  ~ln(!;)]18 pOol'
                                       ~  11     -          -         1       '3 Cl 0
                                       l'l  0 l: .,  ElccwT.  ,  Election. by  ~ " "]
          Année.     D..tes du scrutin  g  .i!i          ------    '§  Co  !l ..,  .;; ;. ~ 0
           -              -            ~I~   :3    Il .L  Cl       ." co  1  " " " <  I~ ." "  I~
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                                                   8:::1 "li
           Yenrs     D.. lcs 01 Poli ing  ..,  S  Ë iz  Ëg~~  j  '.G 0  I·f  po 0  0  '3 'il  ;
                                       ~ ~   8 ]             ~  :>    'il  P<  P<
                                             0     a[s~   II  :>-             ~
                                             Z  E-< 0  Z ~  or:
          IB67.  Mât.-scfJt.  -Aujt1,.t.-flept......  M  16LBOO  2.189  17  18  7';,RS"  III  402
          1871. .  j'Jin.jui lot  -Junc-July.........  65  172,300  2,652  25  40  60,305  (Il  382
          187:; ..  7 luillet  -July......... ......  65  185.783  2,8118  20  ~5  86,939 1.149  7,')3
          1B78.  1 mB.i  -May..............  65  217,826  3,351  [,  60  134 ,176 1,804  1,202
          188!. .  2 MnembTe  -Dcecmb r." .......  6n  223,215  3,434  17  48  117,5110 1,8M  9~0
          1886 ..  14 oetobTe  -Orlobcr...... , .  65  231,84-1  3.1\1~  6  59  H6.850 2,090 1,100
          1890.  17 iuin  -June..............  73  276,641  3,700  II  62  158.9H2 2,034  !.80ti
          IH!12 ..  8 nIaNt  -Mufnh.............  73  200,335  3,9n  11  62  ) 74,725  1.771  1,035
          18117 ..  Il mal  -lIhy.............  74  3:18.800  4.578  2  72  22f., 170 2,303 2,370
          1000 ..  7 Moembre  -DeecmbeT..........  74  350,517  '1,7311  36  38  103,122  08'1  1,158
          11104 .. 25 novembre  -Novolllber.........  71  aBI,83H  6,101  :J8  311  113.4n3 1,013 1,471
          1()08 ..  8 juin  -Jun~..............  74  4.15.801  5,1\10  (l  68  2'I~J. 8110 R,222 2.1\0;;
          1012 ..  15 rnui  -Muy..... , ........  81  470,521  5,020  1  80  291,148 3,376 3,087
          1016 .. 22 mlLi  -May..............  81  486,126  6,002  26  5.5  208.452 2,767 2,52-1
          1!l10 ..       -JuDe" ...... _.....  81  480,020  5,027  45  36  129.636 1,448 1,98'\
          102:1 ..  2î i~~~iaT  -F'cbTuary..........  85  513,224  6,038  Il  77  290,640 3.768 3,r,32
          1027 ..  16 lllnÎ  -May......... "'"  85  567,U07  6,681  12  73  31R,012 2,8'13 3,816
          1031 ..  24 ao(,t  -Aug\l.t............  90  630,005  7,100  0  00  -180,60,) 1,100 4 .O:1~
          1036 ..  2!j noveOlbro  -Novernber.........  flO  726,551  8,073  3  87  536,3(1I 15,228 4.077
          1036 ..  17 août  -Augu6t............  00  734.025  8,15f>  0  00  fillO,326 4,fl30 n,OI:1
          1039 .. 25 octobre  -Octob~T.,.. ........  86  753,310  8,759  1  86  563 ,207 7,334 4.033
          19<14 ..  8 aOlit  -August............  01  I.SM.602  20.401  0  Ol  l ,32\) .9~~ 15.r,91 8,511
          1948 .. 28 juillet  -July...... , ..... , ..  02  2,036,5711  22,137  0  02  1,513.82 17 ,028 Il,440
          1062, . 16 juîllet  -,"'Iy., ...... , ... . ,  U2  2,2~lI,8S!)  2,1.423  0  92  \, 679,272 25,652 lO.IlOa
           (1) On no SO 80rvt<Ît pas aloTs de bulletins.  (1) Dallots wcre not then \I"e,1.
           Nota-Augmentations do 10'14 duc. Il. l'oltablissement  Note-Incran••• În 1044 due to LI.,o votin~ 01 \Vomen.
          du sulTrag. !6minin,
            8--Liste deB OrateurB de l'ÀBsemblée législative, depu iB 1867, et date de leur
            8-List of the Speakers of the Legislative Àssembly, since 1867, and Date of
                                       their Election.
           1,-Dlnllehct  (Hon. J08(\ph-GoMric)  , ............•....•.. ,  ,. 27 d6eoll.•bTe-DecembcT 1867.
           2.-ForLin   ( "  Plerr ).. ,  ,                .   4 novmnbre--Novemh r 1875.
           3.-Bcnubien  ( "  Laui )                         . 10 novoOlLTe-Novembcr 1876.
           4.-TuTcotla  (  "  A.rthur). .. .. .  . . ,  _  .  4 jllin-Juno 1878.
           o.-TniLlon  ( "  Louis-Oliviar)  ,., ..........•...........  8 m,u·..-MaTeh 1882.
           (I.-Wurtele  (  "  ,l, S. C.)  ,           .      27 Innrs-}.{o.rrh IBS4.
           7.-MareblLnd  ( "  F6Iix-Gabriol) .. , ,. '  _.•..... ,  .  27 jnnvior--January 1887.
           8.-LeLlnnr  (  "  Plfme.l!:varislc).  .  , . _  , , , ....  27 n"ril-April 1892.
           O.-Te..ic,·  ( "  ,1111 '). ".. •• • •  • ••••••.•••••••.••••..••••  2~ novem)}I'e-N,;vclUher 1897.
          10.-R~invi.llo  ( " ..  TL-fi.), .....•..................... ,  , .. 14 16vricr--FebnHLry 1901-
          II.-TellSi'"  (  ..  AUgl,sle)., ., .....................•..............  2o",ra--M r(·h 1905.
          12.-Wrir     (   W. A.)          ,..........  . ....•.. , .. 25 !>''Til-April 190r,.
          13.-Itoy     (  .. "  P.·l-L)"   ,                . 15 jll.nvie.~.JanuIlTY 1907.
          14.-PellctÎor  (  ..  L.)  , ,  , •.....•...•....•........ , .  2 m,uos-Marc 1 1900,
          1,~.-DclA  0  (  Cyrille·F.) ...........• , . . . . . . . .  .  .  9 j:'tovie.r-Jan:lltry i9l~.
          lll.-G alipcaui t  (  "  Antonin).,  ,  , •. , ..•......... , ,  .  7 oovembre-Novcu.ber !OIB.
          17,-Francœur  (  "  .I.-N.),     ,           .     Il,l{,o llIbro--Dllocmbc'r 10111.
          IB.-I,alort6  ( " ..  Hector)  , ...•. , •.............. , . . • . . . .. . .. 10 jOllvier-JunuaTY 102e,
          IO.-EouehaT 1  (  ..  T.·Damien). , ..........•..... ,  .  7 illnvicr-Jollunrv 1930.
          20.-Dul',as  (   I.ueien)  "         , ..•................ 2~ mor..-MnTc), 1030.
          21.-::;auv6  ( "  ,Jean·Pnul),  ,   , ...........•.......  7 ortobrtl-Or~obcT 1936,
          22.-Bi8eonnette  ( "  Bernard)  , •.......... ,  , ,  ,  . 20 r1vric  FclJrunTv 1940.
          2:1.-Bicn ven.ue  (  "  Valm'lTc).......•......................  13 mai-Mny 19-12.
          21.  Dumnino  ( "  Cyrille)  , . ,  , . , ...• , , . ,  .  23 16vrier-Fobrllllry 19·13.
          25.-Tach6    (  ,.  Alo~andre) .............•.....•.......•....•.•....  7 r~vTier-FchTWlTY 1015.
   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50