Page 136 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 136

124                            POPULATION

          GO-Mariages et taux de nuptialité dans la Province, par cités et villes.(1)
             6O---Marriages and Rates, in the Province, by Cilies and Towns.(1)

                          MarlagOlt-M..rriage.            TlIux-14t.œ
       C1Tfs l:jT '9'rLL'ft:s
           -        Moyenne-Average               Moy liu_Average
      CITIE. ANO TOWN.              1949   1950                  1049    1950
                    1926-35  1936-411             1026-35  1936-4&
      Cllp-<le-Ja-Madoleille  45  91  153    157     5.3    8.6    10.9    8.8
      ChlCoutlmi, ........  92  195   190     181}   8.0   12.3    9.3     8.3
      Drummondvillo.....  92   123    201    178    11.8    11.4   13.9   12.7
      GrlUlby.......•....  87  150    228    2501    8.5    10.9   13.8   12.1
      Grnnd'M~r ........  33   95      92     1O:~   4.8   11.0     8.8    0.5
      Hull .............•..  248  389  385   142     8.3    Il. 8  10.1   10.5
      Joliotte.............  H  129   171    120     7.0    9.8    11.4    7.6
      Uvis..............  4b   88      75     81i    3.9    7.3     6.,1   6.5
      118~~~ï{hL·.·.:::  6,229  9.812  11.305  Il.295  6.0  11.4   10.5   11.4
                                                            lO .•~
       Luehiuc..........  106  210    238    21i7    5.7    10.1    9.7    lUi
       Oulremont .......  153  380    339    :1011   li.4   11.3    9.2   10.5
       Verdun ...........  324  576   676    750     5.7    7.7     8.0    0.0
       W 'stmount.. .....  238  441   4'15    2'1    9.9   16.0    13.5   21.4
      QUEUEC..........  843  1,613   1,587  1,6'17   6.4   10.6     8.8    9.6
      HiviÔro-<!11-LOIlp .....  35  73  62    05     4.0    8.1     6.2    6.0
      Saint-flynoilltl1C.....  100  213  200  215    8.0   12.4     9.5   10.8
      Saiot-Jean..........  78  15.1  165    174     6.6    11.3   10.3    0.3
      Saiot-Lnmb rt. .....  1I:l  51   69     601    3.0    7.6     7.1    7.5
      Shawinigan 1'1lILo ....  77  180  234  235     5.2    0.1     0.6    9.0
      Sherbrooke.........  240  456   536    624     8.5    13.1   12.2   10.8
      Sorel.. .............  67  111   92    112     5.6    9.2     (1.6   7.7
      Thetford Min      65     113    108     170    5.2    8.8     6.6   11.3
      'l''rois-fl ivièros.. ', '.', : ..  238  ,J08  446  129  7.1  0.'1  9.1  !l.4
      Val\·yfield ....... ...  lOlo  104  liH  20l   8.9    12.0    8.8    8.9
         C'T&t-ClTms...  9,637  16,310  18,270  18,464  7.4  10.7  10.2   10.8
      Jon(~uj~r ...........  65  188  166     146    7.3    10.6   10.4    7.0
      La '] uque..........  34  76     84     66     4.0\   8.8     8.4    7.0
      Lauzon .............  81  70     58     53     4.5    8.5     6.1    5.0
      l\<ingog.............  66  102  127     liB   10.7    11.5   12.1    \/.8
      Wontmollny ......•.  :ll  50     76     65     5.1    0.6    12.7    0.6
       imouskl. ..........  37  66     00     68     6.1    9.2    11.3    6.2
      8lLinirJ6rOmo........  n  134   17(;    173    8.4    11.3   13.5   10.2
      Viotoriaville..... ...  30  '82  107    115    6.5    9.7    .11.3   0.2
         VJLLES-To\\'~H  376   718    884     794    6.6     9.9   10.7    8.1
      RuralClt-nUrlll. ....  7.898  12.856  14,331  1't.835  5.4  7.6  7.1  6.9
      UrbainCl>-Urlmn ....  10,012  17.268  10,15-1  10,258  7.4  10.6  10.2  10.7
         PnOVINCE:..•.•.  17,910  SO,U4  33,485  34,1193  8.S  9.~  8.6    8.6
        (1) Do 5.000 limes et pluo cn 11l26.  (1) I:1Il.<'iog 5,000 population and o\'er io 10:JI',.
                  61-Nuptialité de ce...tàin8 pays, par 1,000 habitants.
              61-Marl"lall'e Rates of Various Countries, per 1,000 Population.
                                 AnnO•• Taux                         Ann6C!l To""
              PA Y&-COUNTIlI'"                    'PAYll-COUNTIlIf.3
                                 YeaTS Rotee                          Yellrs nates
      Etlltll-UIÙJl.........  United Stat,œ ......  Ill48  12.3  Tom>-Nouye et L~-  Nowfou'ndlnnd  nod
      Bulgarie., .........  B11lgaria...........  1\)47  10.0  brnùar.. , ......  LILurMior•.......  111-18  0.3
      Union Sud·AIrienu.e  Union of South Alri·  NorvÔge'..........  Narway ...........  19'18  9.2
        (8Inn"") ..... '" .  ca (Whitc~).. , ...  1947  10.9
      Ism 1 ( .eule-                 An!~c&';;I);.o~.~~:~ .lè and Walo, . 1948  9.0
        mon~...........  1 mel (Jewish only).  1048  10.R  Pays-B s.........  N(,.t1lf1l'lnode........  1048  9.0
      Fin.lan 0 ...........  Firù"nd............  10·17  10.7 tranee...........  }4"'rnnr.e·..•.•.•••••.  IlH8  8.9
      Hoo~rie...........  Hung~ry...........  1948  1U.4  1 CO&8C •••••••••••  Soolland ...........  1048  8.5
      Autriche.........  Au6trlll............•  1048  10.3  uiBBe.•••.......•  Sw·itzerLllnd ......•.  11148  8.5
      Nouvell·-Zél..ude  New  Z."land  ~c<-  Chili.............  Clii\e..............  1048  8.3
        (moine les Mt'Ol·).)  c1u<ling Maori. ..  1948  9.0  Italie.............  Haly...........•..  1048  8.3
      Australie..........  Australia ..........  1948  9.7  Suède., ..........  Sweden............  1948  8.2
      Canlld" (TorriloÎJ-clI  Canuda  (  Islande...........  le lnnd ..•.........  19H  7.8
        exo1u,) ..........  Territoriea) ......  IIN8  0.6            11148  7.7
      Prouinee de Q,l<!bec ..  l'rovi'le. of Qu.bee...  /f}l,iJ  il. J  frl~~w.:d~'N:o~d: : : ~~i~h~;~ i~~i;~ci ::: 1947  7.1
      l)onemllrk.........  Dcnmark..........  0.·\  Ceyl..u...........  1048  6.1
      Roumanio.........  Roumanio., ....  19'18! O.,  Irlande...........  fr~r~~:t: : : : : : : : : : :  1048  li.4
      Belgique...........  Bclgiuru .....  11148  9.3  .Tllmlllque.....•...  .J(lmaicfl ......•....  1947  4.5
                                           Salvador.• , .......  El S"lvlldor........  1947  3.5
   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141