Page 134 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 134

122                           POPULATION

                   3--MARIAGE5                         3-MARRIACE5
        Le nombre des rnal"iag s varie directement  'l'he nurnber of marriages val'ias in dil'oct
      en rela,tion de la situation conomique du pays.  l' latiou 1.0 the economic siLuation of lhe
      Dw-ant la dépression 192\)-33, comme 10 dé-  country, During lJ18 1929-33 dap1' ssion, as
      montre le tableau ci-dessous, nous avons ·nre-  will Le seen in the table below, the numbor. of
      gistré 1 s plus faibles totâux de mariages,  ma.niages l'egistered attained tb Iowa t leve\.
      Durallt la périodo 1040-45, période de guerre  From 1940 to 1945, a wa1'time poriod of
      et d'éconornie élevée, nous COlTIpt.un, un nolIL-  economie pro,'P l'ily, lbe Humber of ml1l'l'iagos
       ùro do mariages jamni vu il, date.  IJ46 a 'n-  wHS high l' tbl1u aver li fol.'.  Tn J.946, tJI6
      l'egist1'é un gT'atld total do 3G,G50 mal'iag s, ce  tota,l nllmber of no.rriag s l'ogiswrocl was
       qui donne un lau. 1010.1 par 1,000 de popull1-  3G,G50, which givas fi, nl,tio of 10.1 p l' 1,000
      tion.  Au cou.ra des années 1047 lt 1050 la  population. l"rom lU47 1.0 1950 tho man'ingo
      nuptialité a lég rement diminué; 0 pendant,  rat  cl creased slightly. Howcver, the num-
      les ma,riag s sont toujours très nombr nl( el le  b r of marriages is still vory high and in
      taux, n 10Sf, s'est fixé à 8.8 par 1,000 amas.  HJ51 the rate pel' 1,000 population was 8.8.

            58-Mariages et taux de nuptialité au Canada, par provinces, 1926-51.
                58-Marrlages and Rates in Canada, by Provirlces, 1926-51.
       A~esIl.-~E'I  N.-E.  N.-B.  Quô.  Oct.  M~.  1 SMk,1  AlLa  C.B.  Cnnnda
       ):ear.  P,E.I.  N.B.  N.B.  Que.                     Alta.  D.C.   (1)

      1926-,10.  473  3.224  2,970  18.731  25,449  .,051  0,036  6,265  •. 7Ba  71, 86
      10:!I-3G.  496  3.522  2,737  17.080  24.200  6,OlG  6,680  5,030  4,267  68.594
      1936....  695  " ,129  3,397  21,654  27,734  5,756  6,168  6,020  5,461  80,904
      1937....  /)4  4,337  8,671  2'1.876  29,803  6,113  5,700  6,345  6, lOI  87. 00
      19a5....  Gill  4,089  3,371  25,044  aO,080  6,262  5,893  6,973  0.135  88,438
      1039....  641  5,024  3,726  2 ,\111  31,067  7,676  7,323  7. a  7.802  103,658
      1940....  703  6,401  4,841  85,069  41,229  8,849  7,820  8,7 2  9.624  123.318
      Hl41 ... ,  673  6,006  4,9'11  32,782  43,270  S,305  7,03(]  8,470  0,760  121, P42
      1942....  778  6,874  4,934  33,8li7  45,466  8,395  7,207  9,O:H  10,827  127,372
      1948....  663  6, 10~  3,985  83,866  3B.lOO  (l,flOI  6.172  7,77t  9,3 5  110,9:17
      1044.. ..  646  5,042  a,~la  31,022  31,227  6,294  r;,91t1  7.200  8,434  101.49ll
      IIl46....  680  1;.1192  '1 ,'IIH  33.211  34,137  ll,670  6.:160  7.:nO  0,262  10 ,031
      1940....  837  6,649  6.806  36. MO  46,073  8,59·!  8,279  0,,178  11,762  134.,0 3
      J047....  076  5,801  5.l8fl  35,494  44,056  7,712  7, 74  8,797  Il, 852  127,311
      1948....  63[;  5,003  4,640  34.046  '13.242  7,325  7.171  8,844  Il,718  123.314
      1019....  61\)  6,058  4.2-1  33,'186  43.304  7,265  7,0:17  0,037  11.370 2) 123,877
      1950....  Gin  .. 085  4,376  34,~3  43,714  7,128  (l,90-1  0.2D4  Il,110 2l12-1 ,845
      1951....  583  5,004  4,38(}  35, 04  45,198  7.3(\6  6.805  0.80,)  11,272 2 128,230
                       TRUX par 1,000 hablLants-Rates JXlr 1,000 populaUon
      1926-30.  5.4   6.3    7.4   0.0    7.8    7.6   7.0    8.0    7.6   7.3
      1931-35.  5.5   6.7    6.u   6.8    (}.O   7.1   0.1    7.4    (}.O  6.5
      1936....  (J.4  7.6    7.8   7.0    7.7    8.1   6.6    7.8    7.3   7.4
      1937., ..  6.3  7.9    8.4   7.0    8,2    8.5   0.3    8.2    8.2   8.0
      1938.. , .  (J.:3  7.4  7.ll  7.0   8.2    8.7   (1.4   8.0    7.0   7.0
      1939....  6.8   9.0    8.3   0.0    \J.3  10.6   8.1    10.0   9.0   9.2
      1010....  7.4  11.2   10.7   10.7  11.0   12.2   8,7    Il. 1  12.0  10,9
      11141. ...  7.1  11.4  10.8  9.S   Il.4   Il. ,1  7.0  10.6   11.9   JO.(}
      1042...  8.6   11.6   10.(}  10.0  11.7   11,(}  8.5   11.0   12.4   JO.9
      1043....  7.2  10.1     ,6   D.8    \).2   9.G   7.3    9.8   10.1    0.4
      1944....  7.1   0.7     .3   0.1    7.D    8.6   7.0    8.9    D.O    8.6
      1045....  7.4   0.6    9.6   0.3    8.6    8.0   7.6    R.S    D.8    8.0
      194G....  8.0  10.7   12.2   10.1  J1.2   Il.8   9.9    11.8  11.7   10.9
      1047 ...  7.2   0.4   10.6   o.n    10.5  lO.4   0.1   10.7   11.·1  10.1
      1948....  0.8   8,0    9.2   0.1   10.1    9.7   6.4    ID,!'.  JO.H  0.6
      llJ19....  G.t!  7.8    .2   8.6    0.8    9.3   8.2   10.4   10.2 2)  Il.2
      10fiO....  GA   7.9    8.5   8.6    9.8    fI.3  8.a   10.2    0.8   0.1
      1051. ...  5.9  7.0    8.5   8.8    0.8    0.5   8.2    9.9    9.7   fl.2
        (1) Saur l.,s Torril<lires.          (1) Exclusive of 'l'erritori •
        (2) Comprend 'l'erre-Neuve depuis 1040.  (2) Ineluùing New!oundiand ,inee ID49.
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