Page 137 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 137

D2MOORAPHIE-VITAL STATISTICS                      125
                        4-NAISSANCES                          4-BIRTHS
             La natalité dans la. province de Québec  Tho biJ-th rate in the Province of Quebeo
            demeuro tr<'ls 11levée; le taux pair 1,000 ames  remaina vrry high; tho rato per 1,000 popu-
            se maintient o.ux alentours de 30.0 Au cours  lation continu s to he around 30.0. In
            de 1951, 011 a compté 120,924 no.issances soit  1951, thero 120,!l2-1 births that is around
            environ 42,000 de plua que la. moyenne quin-  42,000 moro  thn.ll  the five-yea.r aven1ge
            querm.alo 1931~'35 et 1,813 de plus que l'année  1931-35 and 1,813 more than 1950. A rate
            précédonte.  Le w,l1X de 20.S pour la province  of 29.8 for the Provin 'f' of Quclwo in 1951
            dl! Qu(jlJuo en 1951 se èOl111nbre iL '27.2 10 taux  is comparablo to the Canooian rate or 27.2.

            62-Naiseances vivantes et taull de natalité, par provinces, au Canada, 1926-51.
                  62- Live Births and Birth RElte8, in Canada, by Provinces, 1926-51.

            An~osl r.-::'::E.  N.-E.  N.-n.  Q116.  Ont.  M..n.  S...k.  Altn  C.R.  Cnnada
             YOlll'l!l  P.E.r.  N.B.  N.B.  Que.               1  Allo.  Il.C.  (1)
                                           1     1      1             1
                                     Naie8oDoos vivontes-Livo bJrlhs
            H121}.;l0.  1,735  11 ,016  10,327  82,771  OS,704  14,392  21,208  15,02'1  10,3GG  236,521
            103/-35.  1,001  Il ,480  10,440  78,888  65,000  13.000  20.32G  16,567  10,000  228,352
            1930....  1,977  Il. 08  10,613  76,286  62,401  12, 55  19,126  16,71l0  10,671  220,371
            1037....  2,003  Il ,572  10,6 0  76,635  61,645  12. 88  18,640  16,003  11,270  220,236
            1038....  1,071  12,24/  Il.H7  78,H5  05,604  1~I,478  18,230  Jo,ROI  12,476  220,4'10
            ID~O....  2,IZR  II, 825  11,2 0  79,621  64,123  13,583  1~,050  10,-170  12.373  220,168
            10.10(2l·  2,O!I7  12, 66  Il,700  83,867  6  .5~4  11,771  1Il,322  17,350  13.8aO  244 ,310
            Jg,11(3 .  2,Om  13,810  12.150  80,563  71,98'0  14,714  18,473  17,410  15.0.19  255,221
            1942....  2,150  J6,20·[  12,649  06,430  77,810  1.~,601  111,2 3  1 ,a 6  10,762  272,184
            IG43....  2,17J  16,260  12,948  08,216  80,077  16,333  18.11:19  10,425  IB.748  283,423
            II>-H ....  2,286  15,508  13.407  102,262  78,090  10,008  18,1:18  IIl,a72  IR,OOO  284,220
            104[,....  2,268  15,527  13,303  104,283  78,OH  la,~,'iJ  18.9~6  10,930  18,877  288,730
            1046....  2,703  17.014  10,l~1'l  111,286  97,446  18,791  21,4'13  22,184  22.000  330,732
            1047....  2,002  19,266  17,771  115,663  108,808  20.400  23,834  24,6.11  26.280  369,00'
            1918....  2,842  17,701  17,270  11',700  J04,101i  18,870  21,562  24,076  26,084  347,307
            10·lIi....  2, tl31  17,TJ!J  16,073  llû,828  100,601  IO,21):!  21.002  24.03G  27,801  4~366,130
            19.50....  2,88:;  J7,2!i2  10.3fl3  11{),111  108.708  19,201  21.016  2G,026  27,110  4 371.071
            101H....  2.655  17,126  16,075  120,024  114,824  10, ll-l.2  21, 730  27,004  28,074  4380,101
                              Taux ps.r 1,000 hnblt"ot_n.n~c. por 1,000 populntlon
            192~30.  19.7  21.4  21.4  2G.8   21. 0  21. 7  24.7  24.2   16.2   24,1
           1031-35.  21.8  21.9  24.9  26.6   18.6  10.4   21.0   22.1   14.0   21.6
           1036.•..  21.8  21. 7  24.3  24.3  17.3   18.1  20.6   20.4   14 .2  20.2
           1037....  22.6  21.1  24.2  24..1  16.0  18.0   20.2   20.5   11.9   20.0
           J038....  21.0  22.1  26.0  24..0  17.0   18.7  19.0   20.3   J6.1   20.0
           loao....  22.6  21.1  21UI  24.7   17.8  18.7   10.G   21.0   15.6   20,4
           HI10(2l'  22.1  22.0  26.0  25.6   18.11  20.3  21. Il  22.0  17.2   21. 6
           1041(3 .  21.8  2:1.0  26.6  26.9  10.0  20.2   20.6   21.0   JS.4   22.2
           1042....  23.0  25.7  27.0  28.2   20.0  21. 6  ~1.6   28.7   10.3   23.4
           IG43....  23.0  21i .1  28.0  28.7  20.6  22.6  22.1   24.6   20.8   24.0
           1044....  2G.I  2,r;.n  20.1  20.2  10.7  21.9  21.4   23.7   20.'   23.8
           1046....  24.6  25.0  20.3  20.3   10.7  22.1   22.4   24.1   19.0   23.9
           1046....  20.7  2G.8  38.D  80.7  23.8   26.9   25.7   27.6   22.6   26.0
           1047....  31.8  31.0  :.l0.2  31. 1  20,0  27.6  27.7  30.0   26.2   28.6
           IM8.. , •  aO.6  28.G  34,4  80.8  24.2  21.9   26.2   28.6   24.0   27.0
           1949....  aO.1  27.6  32.3  80.1  24.2   24.8   26.2   28.0   24.6  4)  27.1
           losn....  30.1  27.1  ~i2.0  80.2  24.3  26.1   26.0   28.1   23.8   27.1
           1961.. ..  27.1  211.0  31.2  20.8  26.0  26.7  26.1   28.7   24.1   27.2
             (1) 8nuf le. TorrltD!roa.            (1) Exclu.ivù or the T"rrltorlOll.
             (2) 8uivaot Je lieu de nai9!lD.DC'l, 1925-40.  (2) By ploce of Ollcurenea, ]021>-40.
             (3) 81l\vnnt le lieu do doml.Uo, 1941-61.  (3) By plAoo of r",,{donco, 1911-!il.
             (4) Comprood TOTTe-Nouve depuis 1049.  (1) Includlnll Newfoundlood alDoe 1919.
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