Page 97 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 97

RELiGIONS                              85


            29-Prineipales religions de la population du Canada, par provinces, 1951.
              29-Principal Religions of the Population of Canada, by Provinces, 1951.

                                tot"do                              Preebyu>-  Aut-rc!'\
               PROVINCES         -    C..tboliQuo Anglio..oe Eglise-Uoie  Juivo  donne  religiona
                                Total    -      -      -       -      -      -
                              Population  n"mnn  Anglican  United  JOIVisb  Prcsby-  Other
                                       Catholie       Church         terisu  rcligioM
          Terre-Nouve, .. Newfoundl.."d  361,410  121,§.I.4  109,000  85,671  261  1,914  13,033
          lIe-~u-P,~E.... ,P.E. I...,. , , ...  08,429  -14,802  6,119  25,900  26  13,383  8,130
          N,-  C0880., .... N. Soot"l.....  642,1)84  217,978  117,Il02  141. 152  2,201  12,422  121,22ll
          N.•Brunswick, . . .. ..... .....  516,697  2110,7-12  59,8,17  71,870  1,209  13,323  108,G37
          Québeo...... ...............  4,055,681 3,5n3,OSI  166,761  1211,21O  82,701  60,110  62,630
          Onto.rin...... ....... ........  4,507,1)42  1,112,110  936,002 1,320,366  85,407  1311,072  674,,405
          l'.oltLÛ.it.obH.. ". .......... , ..  770,641  IfiG.283  120,GllO  224,554  111,282  34,686  221,0'16
          8atfkl1.LcIH~wo.n...............  831. 728  H19,,124  01),471l  2<17,345  3,017  33,2\)0  253,176
          Alborta" ..... ............  039,601  186,312  122,OSO  276,5iH  1,(\26  1)5,004  20,1,028
          CoL-Brit... , ... Brit. Col ....  1,165,210  168,016  olfi,469  3H,914  6,960  !J7,lfil  236.681
          YuÎton ........        9,096   \,84fi  3,420  1,660    3     713   1,455
          Torr. du NAl.  :N.·O: T~~;.::  10,00-1  0,4fi9  7,264  1,091  li  379  800
                CA"ADA ...........  1.4,009,429  6,069,496  2,060,720  2,867,271  204,836  781,147  2,025,359
            30-Population de ln province de Quêbec c1assifiêe selon la religion, 1901-1951.
          30  Population of the Province of Quebec cla88ified nccording to Religion, 1901-1951.

                   RELIGrONS            1001   1011    1921  1031    1941    1951

          Adventistes.........•..... , .•. ...........  8,079  3,4a~  1.020  1.174  962  M2
          AngliclLntt.........  ..............  81,030  108,812  121.7~8  140.843  162,056  166,7(11
          A.rm60 du S"lut ........ , .............  292  &10  M8  l,13ft  1,002  1,325
          Baptistes................... , .•.. , ...  8,483  0,2M  9.2~0  10,970  12,3Oa  12,050
          Catboliqu  ............. , •.. ,'.,., ....... 1.429,200  1,724,093  2,023,983  2.403,100  2,894,621 3,563,961
          Congrég"tionaliiltcs, . , , . , ......•. , ........  ~,173  ~,197  4,71ft  (1)
                                             ....... , ..      8,992  .. ïio,o .. là:iciï
                                                            (1)88,263  100,196  120,2l!J
          î~~.~.~j~~·.o:x:~:.:: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :  "3'0,206'  '4'1',700'
                                         7,498                60,730  65,083  82,701
          Luthériens...... .'.. , ..................  I,G'U  MIO  2,209  6,~61  7,081  9,3110
          MethodisLes... , , .......    42,014  42,MO  U,072    (lâ
          Proabytérieo•. , . , .. , , , . ..................  ft8.013  64,132  78,H7  (I)~9,~ 2  ... ô'o/llio  "'/i0:4io'
          ProLesllLots.. , ..... , . , ....... , ......... , .  6,211  8,(184  14,147  11,279  4,228
          Autres 800""", ....•• , •..•....•..... , . , .. , ,  4,861  8,076  12,~4t  1O,0~8  18,187  "'2i :415
          N Oll spéoifiéOll........ , .  1./42  M97    O,~O~   2,432  2,307  3,006
               1"lo'l'AL ..•.         1.848,898  2,OO5,nS  2,160,1118  2,114,682  1,111,.12  4,055,6&1
           (1) Lee m~thndlstOll ct les oongl'Ôgationnllstes avec uo  Ob ~(I't.hC),HHf.H  llild  C()lJKT('ü:nUunnli8t~ nnd n. tarie
         ~"'orl nombre de flrOlibytérlans. onl formé l'Ellh.c Ullie  oum ,cr of PrrAbytcrl..ns formec.l th" United Churell 01
          u Cannda, on I!l 5.                 CUllILdn, III lO~5.
             31-Proportion des principale8 religions, province de Québec, 1901-1951.
           31-Proportion of the Principal Religions, Province of Queb6c, 1901-1951.
                   RELIGIONS            1901   1911   IQ~I    1931   1041   19&1

                                         8G8     800    1137    867    860    B7\)
         ~~~!~~,~io.··.::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::  48  ~2  52  81   40     4l
         Presbytérien•...  .....................  a~  ..... "32  "ii'  21  17  12
         M éthodiiltes... , ....................  26  21  18
         Juifs.....  .........................  ~  I~    20  "." "ilÎ   20     20
         Autrett rcligione.  ..............  18  20      22     18      16     10
               T01·AL. .........................  1,000  1.000  1.000  1,000  1,000  1.000
           Source: fi{.,,"/Jm. rtcen'f:nunt du Canada, Volullle r,  Source: Ninlh Ce1l8tw of Canada, Volume I. bulletin
         bllllotin 1-1&.                      1-1&.
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102